Beyond The Self

The Spiritual Autolysis of a Dying Man

 die before you die --- and find that there is no death. Eckhart Tolle

This short book is a Spiritual Autolysis based on my Life, 

including some Notable Experiences and a great deal of interest and research into the insight they have presented. 

Spiritual Autolysis is not a Search for Truth but an attempt to uncover untruth.

Consciousness without an object

"Within the bosom of consciousness-without-an-object

lies the power of awareness that projects objects."

1.0.2 Franklin Merell Wolff. 

Aphorism 6

Ist Notable Experience

One morning about five years ago, I started to wake up from the previous night sleep, but this time it was different to every other time I had done so. I awoke in various stages.

The first part of waking up could only be described as one thing; 'Awareness' and only awareness, just beingness, no thought and no experience apart from awareness of awareness, no body, no pleasure, no pain.

It could only be described as  "Consciousness without any objects or attributes". 

This state gave me the intuition that this was the state prior to the assembly of me as a personal self with its subconscious and conscious library of memories and experiences. If I was to ask the question, Who Am I, from that point of view, which I couldn’t since there was no me; the answer would be “consciousness” and nothing else.

Gradually a slight tension was added to consciousness as the first objective experience arose and seemed to cause an image to appear on the blank screen of perception. It was an image of my son who was later recognized. At first the image made no sense but created an urge to find some meaning to it.

As the power of thought and the sense of "I" gradually began to arise, there was a recognition that this shape had some relationship with the awareness that was perceiving it. I first remembered that this shape was a human being and wondered if it could be the human clothing I inhabited., but no! it seemed separate. 

Eventually I saw that I had a relationship with another human who was my son and I seemed to be a separate human who had that relationship.

Very quickly after that, my life story presented itself and I became completely associated and synchronized with it.

The experience of absence of my [self] took away the fear of its non-existence. All fear existed within the self as it arose and didn’t exist in its absence.

The self started to look like an imaginary and temporary attribute of the awareness which I was.

If this was true, then nothing contained within the imaginary self was real and everything on the screen of me as consciousness was basically a dreamscape.

And So It Seems That!

Everything that has been thought or written is untruth in the absolute sense and therefore one cannot arrive at truth by word or thought, and so the ultimate process is to reveal truth by clear viewing and elimination of untruth.

Externalizing thought, as in this process, seems to be the most efficient way of viewing and intuitively understanding its relative untruth.

If my process is made available to others, as is the case here, the writer could be viewed externally as a soporific, proselytizing, blatherskite, and that he is trying to act as an enlightened narrator, when in fact it is known to this so called individual that it can never be any more than a supposed personal entity, searching for untruth through the process of Spiritual Autolysis. 

Just Words?

'A single word is sufficient to reveal the truth.'—Shin-hut

In case such a word be lurking somewhere herein . . . Wei Wu Wei

"Wisdom has nought to do with what man has created rather to do with what has created  man."

Copyright © 2016, Colin Francis

Nevertheless, although the information expounded here is ultimately for the writer's dissemination and journey back to the source, I cannot help feeling that it may provide usable signposts that can be eventually passed on the road back to pure awareness..... 

Do with it what you will!

God, Consciousness, The Absolute, All That Is, Truth................. Call it what you will!

“God sleeps in the rock, dreams in the plant, stirs in the animal, and awakens in man.” —  Sufi Teaching.

The Truth is that Consciousness exists and is the only Truth. 

Our present reality is a mental projection from it, as in a dream.

Consciousness Creates Objective Reality!

The truth of this was seen in my experience of consciousness without and object.

Truth has a primary aspect that is expressed as consciousness without attributes. Consciousness collapses the waveform of itself through the added attributes of ignorance, fear and associated emotions into Maya, i.e. the three dimensional illusory dreamscape perceived through the limitation of the five senses which is experienced as material reality. 

Consciousness (The Formless) expresses itself through form. Depending on the type of form will depend on the comparative level of expression, e.g. in an insect and a human being. Form varies and therefore so does the expression but consciousness is always the non-variable screen on which the expression is projected.

Is consciousness life?..Maybe, probably! but it is not what happens in life. The screen and the objects on the screen is a good analogy. If I, in truth, Am consciousness, am I the expression which is lifetime. The expression is the dream of consciousness as the manifested universe which in the final outcome does not exist. Lifetime is but a dream and the dream is our illusory reality.

Life seems to be consciousness in active expression whether it is aware of it or not. Or maybe consciousness is always aware of itself but the lifeform in the dream it uses for expression i.e. the individual, is for a considerable length of its cycle in time, living in an apparent dream state from which it will eventually awaken and become lucid with regard to its true identity. This happens when the 'I Am' aspect becomes self-aware, as in human beings, but initially makes the mistake of associating itself with the form and life it seems to inhabit and builds an ego as a false self to support this error. The original sin... mistake... intent... play... game!

Psychological fear and pain is then a direct result of this malady. Consciousness is all and therefore the only thing that can and does exist. Reality is a dream; but reality is the playground for consciousness and is its expression in objects for some reason, or maybe no reason at all!

So in REALITY we can play and be creative in the dream state whether asleep or lucid , in pain or in joy. The former filled with fear and contraction and the latter filled with freedom and expansion. The pain of fear will eventually drive us to the need for, and access to, freedom from our-self in sleep and into the awakening beyond the self. The Cycle of Life and the eventual return to the Source. There is no stopping it!

Why? My best guess is. “From Joy Springs the Universe and Unto Joy the Universe Returns”. Upanishads.

Who Knows? Nobody! No person! No individual! None of these exist, only consciousness is and does.

Pure Existence is the Consciousness of Joy.  Existence is Consciousness. Consciousness aware of itself. Lucid, Awake. One. No reason needed, it just is, just isness.

Second Notable Experience

One night sometime during the first world war I was hold up in a small shack in the middle of a large isolated field. The memory of why I was in this situation had lapsed in my memory and later became irrelevant. I do remember being ouside of the shack with another person. It was a very dark night and we were edging aound the outside of the shack and I was in the lead. We moved away from the shack to make way towards the activities in the distance. At that moment a very tall, black figure appreared out the darkness straight in front of me. Intense fear was the first emotion to arrive.I realized that the figure had no disernable face and was donning a black cloak that covered its entire body. The figure then slowly with malicious intent raised its right arm which revealed a long and menacing dagger and poised as if it meant to thrust into my chest.

The emotion that I felt suddenly changed from fear to confusion when a statement flashed as a thought in my mind. The statement was this.

"I am a service engineer and I work for a well known multi national company and this situation I'm in is completely ridiculous"

Immediately after that thought another thought appeared which assured me that it was safe to push my chest out and let this figure plunge the dagger. Which is what I did.

I felt the dagger and the figure go straight through me and as it did the night turned into a  beautiful sunny day and I launched into flight around an amazing green pasture. I had woken up inside my dream nightmare into a beautiful lucid dream.

I was in ecstacy while I flew around the fields, swooping down on cows and sheep and laughing as they ran away. I could feel the wind on the hairs on my arms as the different temperatures passed across my body. It occured to me that this dream was equally as real as waking life and I decided to make some reality checks while I was flying. I touched my arm and felt the body heat emanating from it. I also checked the softness and solidity of different parts of my body which felt identical to physical life. As I carried on flying I saw some people by houses in the near distance and decided to check them out. When I flew close and swooped by them I could see the reactions on their faces. Next were some houses. I had to investigate them. First I hovered over the roofs and felt the roughness of the tiles and saw the build up of dirt in the gutters. I flew further down and around the different rooms inside the house. The unbelievable lightness of being was so enjoyable and seemed to start a feeling that the dream was about to subside and then I woke up.

The Dream was as real as waking consciousness but with a slightly different set of rules. Being able to fly for one. I realized that the body I was touching and the eyes I was seeing through and even the skull I felt with the brain inside of it were all part of a mental construct but still absolutely real.

Lucid dreaming has become a part of my life and has happened hundreds of times since then.

Could it be, I asked myself, that waking life is equally a mental construct and I could wake up and become lucid in that reality. Absolutely! was the answer. Without a doubt, especially after the experience of consciousness without objects.

"The Universe is Mental....held in the mind of the ALL."

The Kybalion. 

"Everything we call real is made out of things we cannot regard as real"

Niels Bohr

"All matter originates only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter".

Max Plank

“The mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it".

Nisargadatta Maharaj

"There is no 'out there' out there" 

John Wheeler  

"The problem with human beings is that they think they are human beings,

which creates a second problem. 

They believe they are living on a planet called Earth"

Colin Francis

Third Notable Experience

My 911

We might not know the real cause of the 911 incident on11th September 2001 but we do know the effect it had on our external world.

This notable experience which spanned over a two year period expresses my personal internal '911' collapse which has its similarities to the physical 911 incident that the whole world is now probably aware of.

Why am I comparing my internal experience to the external one we are all know?

Each human beings personal life is made up of foundation pillars that support the platform we call our life in general. These foundation pillars are internal structures such as:

 If one of these pillars collapses in our lives it can be traumatic at least and possibly catastrophic to our emotional and psychological balance. Most people will experience one or more of these events at different times in their lives, which will leave lasting or permanent effects, but in most cases will survive the trauma.

If all of these personal pillars are destroyed over a relatively short period of time for whatever reason then the effect is totally different in that only one of three things can happen.

You do not have consciousness. You are consciousness. This false intermediary that thinks it has consciousness is the prison and the prisoner.

My interest is in number 3 since this was my experience and the reason this chapter is titled,

"The Spiritual Autolysis of a Dying Man."

Four small experiences which were very deep and in the early years of my life set the stage and made me realise that this process was happening from the very start of my life.

1. I was at home in the living room and in my baby pram, so I must have been a baby before I was able to walk. I looked out of the pram while laying on my back and took in a full view of the surroundings and noticed our pet alsatian dog walk past the pram which was one of those old semi- circular contraptions with the big wheels and a large hood which would make three quarters of a circle when raised. The dog was a high as the pram, roughly two feet, and I could see the whole of its broad back as it walked past. I knew exactly what my surroundings were and I could describe them in detail as I am doing now. The difference then was I was a baby and I had no language to use. That memory of that experience is as strong now as it was then which can also be said about the next two that followed.

2. I was four years old and standing in front of the fire hearth in the living room at home watching my brother and mother setting a coal fire early in the morning. While I stood there I asked my mother and brother how old I was and their reply was,'Four years old'. I replied that I must be at least eight years old because to me, eight years old was ancient, because that is how I felt.

3. I was twelve years old and I was standing against the perimeter wall in my grammar school playground. I was alone even though there were a few hundred kids playing in the playground. While I was still and quiet, I watched all the surroundings and the children playing and had a deep routed feeling that something very special was going to happen in my life and left me deeply happy even though school days for me from the start was a very unhappy and fearful time. The feeling didn't have anything to do with the experience of trauma of my schooldays, it was deep routed, separate and stayed with me all of my life and also left me with the sense that I didn't belong.

4. At the age of seventeen a full blown separation into a spiritual journey started and never stopped. I see it now but I didn't see it then.