Dissipation and Destruction

Happiness is searched for as an imagination in the future.

Fond memories are remembered from the past.

Neither past nor future exist except in the mind which are imaginary images.

It is the Joy of awakening that is directly experienced in the present.

Awake from the dream of the self is the natural state .

Awakening clears the state of fear and uncovers the natural state. You cannot add joy, you can only remove fear. Therefore do not search for truth, instead clear every aspect of untruth from your entire system. The present does not move in time. The mind moves in time which is past and future. 'There's no time like the present' is incorrect.

'There is no time in the present'.

Time is an illusion of the mind which experiences movement and change.

We divide our changing scenery into segments we call time. Three hundred and sixty five days a year, twenty four hours in a day, sixty minutes per hour and sixty seconds per minute all representing cycles that are seen in our changing environment. We jump onto this circular self made wheel like a mouse in a cage and continue on, going nowhere and living great amounts of stress in the process.

When do we stop to think? No I don't mean the thoughts that flow in and out of the mind like clouds that give us this sense of time but to get off the the mouse wheel and stop completely. Then and only then can we purposely ponder and realise that we exist in a place called the present in which everything else arises and that there is no time. Even the body that we supposedly live in is part of what arises and changes and is presented to awareness. You are that which experiences everything that arises and not the content of the arising. There is no individual, there is no "We" just pure awareness experiencing everything that arises through all forms of experiencing machines. No separation. Consciousness. One. "Thou Art That." Joseph Campbell.

All that arises in consciousness are images that come and go and give a sense of time. Images and time only appear to exist on the screen of awareness. Our reality.

Consciousness exists. Reality, i.e. the content, does not.