Microdosing Psilocybin

So What is Microdosing?

Microdosing is a growing trend among artists, entrepreneurs, and pretty much anyone with an interest in improving life in all of its aspects..

It involves taking very small doses of psychedelic drugs, most commonly LSD or psilocybin mushrooms, in a semi-regular schedule.

The idea is to take such small amounts that you can go about your daily life and notice the effects barely enough to experience a subtle increase in productivity, creativity, focus, and awareness.

This is why microdosing is an attractive alternative to pharma. For those who are intrigued by the reported benefits of psychedelics, but don’t want to surrender to a full-dose psychedelic journey, a microdose is an excellent place to start and end.

  • Microdosing is not scary. Because the ideal dose is so tiny, you won’t even notice it. As such, if you do it even remotely right, there is no risk of having a bad trip.

  • Microdosing is practical. Once you’ve figured out your correct dose, you can go to work as normal, play sports, hang with friends… there is no “hangover” so you won’t need to spend the day after at home.

  • Microdosing is relatively easy. You won’t need to be surrounded by psychotherapists. It’s easy to get started, although it may take you some time to optimize it!


People microdose for different reasons, so the benefits they experience may depend on what they are hoping to gain.

Many people microdose for creativity; to help them think outside the box and solve difficult problems. Artists and musicians microdose to help them create, while entrepreneurs microdose to discover new ideas and solutions to problems.

Others microdose to harness the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics. A significant number of people microdose to relieve their depression, with startlingly positive results. A growing number of sufferers of ADHD have found microdosing to be more effective than using typical medications. Although these reports are so far only anecdotal, we’re beginning to discover a new world of therapeutic potential hidden within psychedelic microdoses.

The most common benefits that are reported by almost everyone who microdoses include:

  • Less social anxiety

  • Fewer negative ruminating thoughts

  • Increased patience with people

  • Less procrastination

  • Greater appreciation for nature

  • Increased creative drive

Courtesy: https://thethirdwave.co/what-is-microdosing/

Four reasons and protocols for ingesting Psilocybin.

1.Recreational. Uncontrolled altering of awareness. External sharing with none specific dose.

Even though Gordon Wasson brought the discovery of the Psilocybe Mexicana mushroom to the west after a visit with the shaman Maria Sabina and put it in the hands of Albert Hoffman for isolation of psilocybin in 1955, the magic mushroom didn't gain fame until Timothy Leary who became infamous for the statement "Turn on, Tune in and Drop out" opened it up to the masses. His intention was to help to wake up and expand the sleeping consciousness of the world with Psilocybin and LSD, but instead it backfired and was seen as a huge threat to society by the governments of the so called civilised world and was quickly shut down and made illegal.

John Hopkins University

Governments managed to create a wave of fear mongering within the populous and stated that Leary was the most dangerous man in America and also took away availability from scientists for half a century. Having psilocybin freely available to everybody without any control would not be a good idea but to make it a class A drug which has no medical benefits was an outright lie which served a different purpose, probably in relation to mass public control. The further problem to arise from this propaganda was the arising of a mass innate denigration of psychedelics which is still present today. Fortunately the tide is turning rapidly. Recreational use of psychedelics may or may not be a good thing and is not the point. The proper use of these substances and their enormous benefits as a great natural gift is being uncovered. Science has lost fifty years of research with entheogens and the ability to relieve an enormous amount of suffering during that time.

Why is the psychedelic renaissance happening now? Probably all of the people who instigated the propaganda are now dead and gone. Will it survive this time? Entheogens are now being used in the proper manner and setting; the truth is being revealed, so there is no stopping it.

2. Spiritual. Internal. Ceremonial with carers, Traditional (Shaman) in a group or individual, or contemporary scenario with scientific control and care, as above. This is the oldest and traditional use of the entheogen and has led the way for renewed interest and research in our modern day scientific and medical fields. Generally a high dose ceremony and still in wide practice today in South America and other shamanistic societies.

3. Psychological repair. Microdosing.Expansion of awareness through elimination of psychological trauma. Sub-perceptual calculated doses twice a week. approx 250mg. Short or long term. High and low dose practice.

4. Mental enhancement. Microdosing. Sub-perceptual up to 1 gram. Five days on and two days off. A higher potential dose would become sub-perceptual due to body adaptability. Short or long term.