COCC Developmental Education Digital Library

Welcome to this Digital Library. Here you will find articles, weblinks, PDFs and resources for teaching in Developmental Education, specifically Integrated Reading and Writing (IRW) or Developmental Literacy. This organic site was created to be used as a warehouse of resources and as such, it is continually growing, changing, and evolving to reflect the changes in our field. This resource is also meant to be collaborative, so please feel free to send your own resources--and comments--along to the host ( Thank you!

The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and accurate, neither COCC nor the Humanities Department endorse any of the information shared here. All materials found here are open-access and available free through the internet, except information that requires log-in to a subscription service. These items may be accessed through your log-in with the Barber Library, as directed.

Please use the form below to submit questions, feedback, or comments, including any broken links you may find. Thank you!!