Developmental Education Workshops

2021 ELL Training with Amy Stancliff

Teaching Writing to ELL Students--Shared, Pt. I
Teaching Writing to ELL Students, Part II

Fall 2019

Teaching with Thematic Units (WR60 and WR65)

Instructor Guide to Thematic Units - Final.pdf
Reading strategies Master List 2019.docx
Professional Development Plan for Developmental Literacy 2019-2020.docx
WR 60 Reading_Assignment_Schedule_fall_2019.docx
WR 60 - Process Portfolio Assignment Sheet.docx
WR 65 - Build a Unit Assignment Sheet (1) (2).docx

Spring 2019

Developmental Teaching Workshop: Thematic Units for WR60/WR65

Please see the Writing and Literacy Resources "course" on Blackboard for more information about thematic units, MLA & Start Here! modules, course outcomes, and lots of other great information you can use in designing/updating your course. The following handouts were shared during the Spring 2019 Teaching Workshop:

WR 65 - Build a Unit Assignment Sheet (003).docx
WR 60 - Process Portfolio Assignment Sheet (edit).docx
Peer Response for Thematic Units.docx

Winter 2019

Developmental Education: Technology in the Dev Ed Classroom (Dev Lit & Dev Math)

W_19_Meeting Agenda.2.docx

Fall 2018

Teaching Critical Reading Workshop

Think-Alouds for Dev Lit Workshop - Fall 2018.docx
Spring 2018 Developmental Education Teacher.docx

Reading Strategies Check List.docx
Reading Apprenticeship Framework.pptx

Example of FYE Instructor Modeling Think-Aloud:

Example of Math Instructor Modeling Think-Aloud:

Best Practices for Teaching Academic Literacy-IRW.pdf
The_Terrain_of_College_Reading.pdf - Article 5(1).pdf

Spring 2018

World's Colliding: Students Navigating a Distant Land, Spring Developmental Education Teacher's Workshop (Math and Dev Lit, May 11, 2018)

Student Success Presentation.pptx
hd 100cs w18 kim.pdf

Sample Syllabus from an HD100 College Success class

A Syllabus Checklist.docx

Checklist for a Learner-Centered Syllabus


UDI Syllabus Checklist

Winter 2018

The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning: Developmental Education Workshop (Math and Dev Lit; 2/23/2018)

Study Strategies Application Ideas.docx
Studying Smarter Math and Writing.pptx
The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning Shared.pptx