Creating a Syllabus

COCC Master Syllabus for WR60

The Master Syllabus for WR60 is attached here. Use this to guide the creation of your syllabus for your course. Required items are signified in the document--these must be included in your syllabus, per COCC. There are also a few optional policies listed for you to consider including in your syllabus. Students should receive a hard copy of the syllabus, and a copy should be placed in your Blackboard course shell. Make sure the document is updated each term, every year.

WR60 Syllabus Template_Fall_2018_final (1).docx
WR65 Syllabus Template_Fall_2018.docx

The fact is, if academia continues to uphold white men as the pinnacle of literature, they’re also continuing to uphold white supremacy. And when you teach mostly white men, you perpetuate the falsehood that only their voices matter, that only their voices shape America. So far, this kind of thinking has led us to the current mess we’re in.

Teachers must recognize and empower students with backgrounds different from their own, including their voices in the conversation and validating their experiences and perspectives.