CNUSD Intervention Counselors

Welcome to the Corona Norco Unified School District Intervention Counselor Website.  We created this website as a resource for our students, families, and staff.  We will be continually updating and adding resources to include: community resources, websites, articles, activities and links to support mental health. 

Mission Statement

In partnership with educators, parents, caregivers, and the community, Intervention Counselors empower students with the support and resources to make positive decisions, healthy choices, and the skill set to develop, enhance, restore, and maintain positive relationships to maximize student potential and academic achievement. We advocate for and treat every student equitably with respect and dignity regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, or educational needs.  

What We Do

CNUSD has an Intervention Counselor at each of their comprehensive high schools. These counselors see students identified as “high risk,” presenting with more severe behavioral or emotional challenges. Services are provided through crisis counseling, individual/group counseling and/or referrals to community agencies for treatment and support. Intervention counselors use short term, goal oriented, therapeutic models to provide services.

​Intervention Counselors work with students placed on formal contracts with the district, which includes those placed on Alternative Placement Contracts (APC), Stipulated Expulsion Contracts, and Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) contracts. Students are placed on formal contracts for many reasons, including substance abuse; fighting, threats, bullying, and racial slurs; serious bodily injury; terrorist threats; weapons; or severe attendance issues; as included in the Safe Schools Notification Grades 7 through 12 form, which parents and students sign each school year.

​In addition, the intervention counselors work with Foster Youth and support the District’s Foster Youth Program. Intervention counselors serve on district and community committees and on the District’s Crisis Team, responding as needed, to emergencies at schools throughout the district. 

We are here to support you! If you need someone to talk to on your campus or if you are worried about a friend or loved one your Intervention Counselors door is always open!

Click on the pictures below to link to your Intervention Counselors  Contact Information.

For District and everything School Counselor please click on the pictures and or links below.

Our official District Website

Click here for Counseling Resources & Hotlines

***Disclaimer: If you or if someone you know is considering Suicide please dial 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room. The  links on our website are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional.  We have provided links to resources throughout the website.***