Robotization Manufacturing I

Teaching Professor:

Prof.  Bogdan MOCAN, PhD habil.Industrial Robotic Automation & Robot-Assisted Medicine________________________________________Technical University of Cluj-NapocaDepartment of Design Engineering and Roboticswww.utcluj.ro________________________________________e-mail: bogdan.mocan[at]                 bogdan.mocan[at]gmail.com________________________________________Office: B-dul Muncii 103-105Cluj-Napoca, 400641, Romania


General  Objective

The course is designed to familiarise students with various robotic industrial applications (manipulation, assembly, arc welding, spot welding, packaging, palletizing) and develop skills to simulate robotic industrial solutions. 

Specific Objective:  


The skills developed within this course will be needed by engineers involved in the automation of various industrial manufacturing processes by integrating industrial robots, facilitates the understanding of specifics industrial robotic processes, off-line programming of industrial robots, and virtual commissioning of generated  robotic manufacturing systems.

Course Notes:

Note: To open the courses note files (*.pdf) you'll need a password which you will receive at the first course!

1. RF I- Lecture #1

1.1.  Lecture #1.1

2. RF I - Lecture #2

2.1.  Lecture #2.1

3. RF I - Lecture #3

3.1.  Lecture #3.1

4. RF I - Lecture #4

4.1.  Lecture #4.1

5. RF I - Lecture #5

       5.1.  Lecture #5.1

6. RF I - Lecture #6

6.1.  Lecture #6.1

7. RF I - Lecture #7

7.1.  Lecture #7.1

8. RF I - Lecture #8

8.1.  Lecture #8.1

9. RF I - Lecture #9

9.1.  Lecture #9.1

10. RF I - Lecture #10

10.1.  Lecture #10.1

11. RF I - Lecture #11

11.1.  Lecture #11.1

12. RF I - Lecture #12

12.1.  Lecture #12.1

13. RF I - Lecture #13

13.1.  Lecture #13.1

Updated on: 27.02.2024


Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca