identify the subject for bachelor or master thesis?  

This means you don't have nearly as much time as you think!!! To avoid pain, start NOW and work systematically and continuously.

Read, think, write in a continuous process, little by little, eat the elephant one bite a day.

Try to keep it fun, not just a chore or a source of stress – and lots of luck!

Your supervisor is there to help you stay on track!

There may be several difficulties in thesis work: your topic or research question may turn out not to be feasible, the literature you find may be of limited relevance or you may have missed some central references, you may get lost in your analysis or your writing.

Bachelor Thesis

The bachelor thesis is among your final tasks to complete your degree, and a chance to use and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and understanding you have acquired.

The point of the bachelor thesis is to demonstrate your ability to:

The contents of a Bachelor Thesis - A proposal

Introduction. Briefly introduce the topic, explaining its relevance (e.g. to an academic debate or an important challenge – why should a reader be interested in your topic?). Present a clear research question. You can also include a short paragraph on how you intend to answer the question.

Literature review/conceptual framework. Briefly present the relevant literature to the conceptual framework, explaining how it addresses the chosen topic. Here you can indicate what perspectives in literature are relevant for the topic you will discuss. It can be useful also to present, and define very briefly, some key concepts you will use as analytical tools in your paper.

Empirical examples. Often referred to as “case studies”. Unless you discuss a purely theoretical issue, you need to design on one or more concrete examples of what you are discussing, using them to illustrate your analysis and discussion. These examples can either be taken from academic literature or from other sources (e.g., internet, scientific databases, etc.). In this part, you present the features of a case study, or case studies, that are relevant to your topic and analysis.

Discussion/analysis. This is the most central part of the thesis. This is where you make your point(s). You do his by using the concepts you presented in II as analytical tools, to discuss the empirical materials presented in III. You can discuss different concepts and approaches, you can argue for your interpretations, and you can make comparisons.

"Empirical examples" and "Discussion/analysis" parts may be braided together, so that you present one aspect of the empirical materials, discuss it, then present the next empirical aspect and discuss it, and so on.

Conclusion. Summarise the key points you made in part "Discussion/analysis". What did you find, what have you learned, and how does this relate to the research question of the thesis?

References. A complete list of the references you have used in the text.

How Long Should it Be? How Long Does it Take? 

A bachelor’s thesis is generally 60-80 pages on Robotics Specialisation, not including the bibliography. However, the length will vary according to the topic and the  used methods, so the appropriate length will be determined by you and your supervisor. 

Students who write a bachelor’s thesis generally do so over one semester. 

Bachelor Thesis

Example 1

Bachelor Thesis

Example 2

Bachelor Thesis

Example 3

Master Thesis

A master's thesis enables you an opportunity to develop (and prove that you have developed) a deeper knowledge and understanding of a particular area of study. In addition to developing a deeper content knowledge, you are also demonstrating research and writing skills. 

Especially during the master project you have to show that you can: 

The master's thesis is broadly understood as a demonstration of independent work and often, but not always, serves as a preparatory stage for doctoral work. 

The contents of a Master Thesis - A proposal

Introduction. Briefly introduce the topic, explaining its relevance (e.g. to an academic debate or an important challenge – why should a reader be interested in your topic?). Present a clear research question. You can also include a short paragraph on how you intend to answer the question.

This chapter of the thesis usually includes a section on the Statement of the Problem (information about the specific problem), Background and Need (the background literature related to the problem), the Purpose of the Study (the focus and goal of the study), Research Questions (what questions the study proposes to answer), and other significant sections. In this chapter, you need to support all of your claims and positions using citations from empirical research studies, government reports and data, Web sites, and theory and opinion papers. 

Review of the Literature. Introduces the reader to the research literature related to the topic. The literature review also provides the justification for your study as you indicate the gaps and weaknesses in the existing research. At the end of the literature review, there should also be a summary that ties together all of the literature related to the topic. 

Methods/ Materials and Methodology. This section explains the research methods and design approaches that were used to conduct the study. The critical part of writing this chapter is to describe the actual procedures that were used to conduct the study.

Results and Discussions. This section should include the findings of your thesis and ONLY the findings of your thesis. The findings include:

Conclusions and Recommendations. Summarise the key points you made in part "Discussion/analysis". What did you find, what have you learned, and how does this relate to the research question of the thesis? Next, it should describe which objectives have been reached (Contributions) and how. Limitations of the results should be indicated, as well as possible future work. 

References. A complete list of the references you have used in the text.

Master Thesis

Example 1

Master Thesis

Example 2

Master Thesis

Example 3

Practical Advice Regarding Bachelor and Master Thesis

At the most difficult time it is good to remember that every engineer you see out there has once been in the same situation as you are now, and yet they were still able to graduate. 

Evaluation Criteria of Bachelor or Master Thesis 

1. Topic, objective and aims, research problem and research questions 

2. Literature's suitability for the study, definition of concepts and theoretical framework 

3. Use of methodology 

4. Presentation of results and conclusions 

5. Conventions of scientific writing and command of the research process 

Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca