Industrial Robotics Manufacturing

Bachelor Specialisation: ROBOTICS

III year of study - 2nd semester

Bachelor Specialisation: ROBOTICS

IV year of study - 1st semester

Bachelor Specialisation: ROBOTICS

III year of study - 1st semester

Master Specialisation: Robotics

I year of study - 2nd semester

Master in Sudarea si Asigurarea Calitatii Materialelor

anul I de studii - semestrul 2

Master in Managementul Proiectelor Tehnice

anul I de studii - semestrul 2

Teaching Professor:

Assoc.Prof. Eng. Bogdan MOCAN, PhDIndustrial Robotic Automation & Robot-Assisted Medicine ________________________________________Technical University of Cluj-Napoca( of Design Engineering and Robotics ( ________________________________________e-mail: bogdan.mocan[at] bogdan.mocan[at]gmail.com________________________________________Office: B-dul Muncii 103-105Cluj-Napoca, 400641, Romania

ROBOTICA la Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca

Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca