Maps for research of Millstone point environs

Land and Water Resources Division Regulatory Districts

Coastal Boundary  Waterford, CT

Data center is proposed for land that is habitat for state and federal listed species:
Natural Diversity Data Base Areas Waterford CT DEEP December 2023  NOTE: This map, intended for use as a preliminary screening tool for conducting a Natural Diversity Data Base Review Request, shows known locations of State and Federal Listed Species and Critical Habitats. Information on listed species is collected and compiled by the Natural Diversity Data Base (NDDB) from a variety of data sources . Exact locations of species have been buffered to produce the generalized locations.

Proposed data center lies within 100 year flood zone: Q3 Flood Zone Data Waterford, CT

Proposed site has some poorly drained soil area: Soil Drainage Class Waterford, CT

Proposed site is on Wetlands: CT Inland Wetland Soils

Coastal management regulations are applicable: CT DEEP Coastal Permitting

Connecticut Hurricane Evacuation Study August 2012 Waterford Hurricane Surge Inundation Mapping

Town of Waterford CT Voting Districts Map