Letters to the Editor(s) 
Clicking on the links will open the letter and any accompanying commentary.


The Day, Letter to the Editor By Dennis J. Alfera  Mar 05, 2023  More discussion needed on data center proposal for Waterford
I attended the R.T.M. on Feb. 22, 2023, for the information on the proposed Data Center by NE Edge LLC ...

The Day, Letter to The Editor By Kathleen Pavlick  Mar 11, 2023  Waterford no better for data center than Groton The editorial about building data centers at Millstone contradicts itself. The same reasons you backed Groton refusing them 

CT Examiner, Letter To The Editor  March 27, 2023  by Laurette Saller  There are Many Negatives to Consider Before Approving a Waterford Data Center

The Day, Letter to The Editor  April 05, 2023 by Pamela Muccilli, Niantic   Data center at Millstone a bad idea  
I am writing in regard to the proposed data center project in Waterford. (“Waterford first selectman addresses concerns about proposed data center,” March 15.)

The Day, Letter to The Editor by Elizabeth Raisbeck, Groton May 01, 2023 Data centers and diesel generators pose health risks
I want to commend Kimberly Drelich for her excellent thorough piece on the history of data center proposals..

The Day Letters to the Editor October 07, 2023 by Judith Leary Noise pollution in Waterford  Over the last few years there have been stories about noise levels in Waterford. Noise and light pollution are increasing daily on our planet. 

 The Day Letter to Editor by Bryan Sayles Dec 18, 2023 Millstone’s future already financially secure   It has been repeated that building a 1.5 million-square foot, 300-megawatt data center on Millstone Point with a direct connection to reactors 2 and 3 is


The Day, Letter to the Editor  July 05, 2017  14 environmental, energy, consumer groups oppose Millstone bill 


Key omissions from data center headline story by Gian Lombardo. The article (The Day, June 16 2024), “A question of energy,” by Daniel Drainville, on the proposed data center in Waterford, has two glaring omissions. 

The ISO-New England grid a backup? Bryan Sayles The Day June 29, 2024. Since last August, Thomas Quinn, president of NE Edge, LLC, maintained that he did not need backup power due to a proposed connection to Millstone reactors 2 and 3. His lawyer, William McCoy, made the same assertion which was repeated in other news outlets.

Short-sighted energy report raises red flags Mary Gadbois The Day June 28, 2024. The Day article, “A question of energy,” (The Day, June 16, by Daniel Drainville) should cause red flags to wave and alarm bells to ring for readers.

Opinion: Don’t let a hyper-data center suck up CT’s electric power CT Mirror by Bryan Sayles April 19, 2024

Fred V. Carstensen’s March 22 “Opinion: CT SB299—afraid of the future, data centers and AI” ignores the legislative events and legitimate concerns that led to SB-299 being introduced in the first place. 

The Day, Email Letter to Lee Howard by Laurette Saller 30 March 2024 Article Millstone power station looks to the (nuclear) future

Dear Mr. Howard,

   As a resident of Waterford, do you really support placing a 1.5 million sq ft concrete block, (twice the size of the Crystal Mall) on our beautiful and valuable shoreline?   Will future generations thank you?   I think not and am sorely disappointed in your promotion of this scheme in your article.

 We know about the rate of technological change and this hyperscale project will soon be outdated, leaving behind an empty concrete eyesore where there was once precious wildlife habitat.

We endure a nuclear power plant (s) for the sake of clean energy for all residents but to endure senseless habitat destruction  for the sake of short term corporate profits is shameful.

Laurette Saller


 01 April 2024

Hello Ms. Saller,

I can assure you I have no interest in promoting a data center in town. The story was about Millstone, and an ancillary part of that is the data center, which would change the face of the facility if it happens. Any positive comments by Mr. O'Connor were balanced with concerns by Mr. Needleman. We will be following this issue closely in articles specifically about the data center (this wasn't one of them).


Lee Howard

The Day, Letter to The Editor by Caryn Kreitzer, March 11, 2024  Hyperscale data center bad for Waterford

I have security concerns about the hyperscale data center proposed for Dominion-owned land with a direct connection to reactors 2 and 3. If allowed, it would be a target for terrorists and a fire hazard adjacent to both reactors.

Regarding physical security, choosing the right location should be a primary focus when building a data center. There are certain areas that must be avoided because they present security and safety risks that can cause service interruptions or complete failures. These include power plants, areas within earthquake fault lines, areas prone to seasonal fires, flooding and where hurricanes are common. There are many causes for data center fires that can cause grave damage. Who will benefit the most from building a data center at Millstone? Not the residents of Waterford who love its natural resources, and nature preserves.

The developers will not be around to hear the noise, observe the wildlife deterioration or face issues with our water temperatures that will endanger marine life. In terms of construction, it will take at least two years to build this data center which will make Waterford and East Lyme traffic a nightmare. Plus, when towers 1 and 2 are not producing as much energy as needed, Connecticut electric bills will soar.
Caryn Kreitzer