Sound Noise & Vibration

We’re Living in a Nightmare:’ Inside the Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin Town, by Andrew R Chow/Granbury, Texas TIME Mag., July 8, 2024. The piece talks about bitcoin mining, but bitcoin mining happens in data centers, so this is really a data center piece. Worth noting: the setup is similar to what's being proposed here: set up the data center in close proximity to a power source.

NBC CT By Caitlin Burchill • Published February 22, 2024

What's that sound? Bristol residents are fed up with nagging noise

An investigation is underway into what’s causing a difficult-to-explain, incessant sound that residents in Bristol and surrounding towns tell NBC CT Responds is driving them nuts.

Anxiety, Mood Swings and Sleepless Nights: Life Near a Bitcoin Mine By Gabriel J.X. Dance, New York Times, Feb. 3, 2024

Noise comparisons: Neighborhoods with and without data centers Apr 7, 2023

It's often said that good fences make good neighbors, but neighbors in the Great Oak Subdivision say, they’re not good enough to quiet the noise next door. WUSA9

THE QUESTION: What is it about that hum that makes it so tough for some neighbors to tune out, and can living with continuous hum really be harmful? 

THE SOURCES: Braxton Boren, Assistant Professor of Audio Technology at American University The Centers for Disease Control Adobe Audition Analysis "Spectral Frequency Display" 

THE ANSWER: We can’t assert that Northern Virginia Data Centers emit noise that’s harmful to humans in general—but we can Verify: the type of constant, low-frequency sounds resonating from the buildings can be harder to silence, be more annoying, and even pose health risks. 

WHAT WE FOUND: We measured the volume and analyzed the frequency of the noise from the sidewalk right outside the Amazon Web Services Data Center in Manassas, from the yard where we chatted with Dale Brown, and the nearby Oak Valley subdivision, close to a proposed data site.


NASA Scientist Warns Bristow-area Residents Will Hear New Data Centers  By Stacy Shaw, The Bristow Beat, January 27, 2023

Manassas residents protest over noise pollution from Amazon data center

By Katie Barlow FOX 5 DC August 29, 2022 Prince William County

Loud hum consuming Chandler neighborhood (YouTube) Chandler, Arizona (large data center) 2019 

Low-Frequency Noise and Its Main Effects on Human Health—A Review of the Literature between 2016 and 2019  from New and Old Environmental Impacts on Population Well Being, MDPI 28 July 2020

Tinnitus and its association with psychiatric disorders: systematic review.

Pinto PC, Marcelos CM, Mezzasalma MA, Osterne FJ, de Melo Tavares de Lima MA, Nardi AE.

J Laryngol Otol. 2014 Aug;128(8):660-4. doi: 10.1017/S0022215114001030. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) Epub 2014 Jul 17.

PMID: 25033303 Review.

No secrets by the lakeside: how water affects sound 14 Aug 2013 Posted by sedeer in Physics,

Long-term community noise exposure in relation to dementia, cognition, and cognitive decline in older adults by Jennifer Weuve, Jennifer D’Souza, Todd Beck, Denis A. Evans, Joel D. Kaufman, Kumar. B. Rajan, Carlos F. Mendes de Leon and Sara D. Adar, online pub Oct 20, 2020 PMCID: PMC8720224  NIHMSID: NIHMS1762453  PMID: 33084241 

From our email archives .. Remarks on reading the Hosting Agreement regarding sound:

"You probably realize there is no penalty in the Host Agreement regarding promised sound levels...

And actually it seems to me a penalty of any kind would be worthless...If it were a monetary penalty, they would just pay it ...

even if it were ongoing...
Other than monetary, I can't think of any other type of penalty that could be thought of - other than taking the building down or stopping operations...... which would not happen...
which means a monetary penalty is worthless...

which means the data center will in effect be able to emit any amount of noise into neighborhoods...

The talk of promising a certain level is a pure joke designed to deceive... they are claiming they can make this data center "quiet" ... if so it will be the first 250-300 megawatt air cooled data center anywhere in the world that is quiet ...

If you ever get to ask questions of the developers, ask them where exactly is an air cooled 250-300 megawatt data center that is quiet..."