This map shows known locations of State and Federal Listed Species and Critical Habitats in Waterford, CT. Information on listed species is collected and compiled by the Natural Diversity Data Base (NDDB) from a variety of data sources .  Exact locations of species have been buffered to produce the generalized locations.

Wild Life Action Plan
Connecticut, along with other states across the country, completed a revision and update of its Wildlife Action Plan for the decade of 2015-2025 ...
>>Appendix 3 (18 pages): Threats to Connecticut's Wildlife and Habitats and their Links to Conservation Actions

Estuarine Embayments (Cranberry Pond)
These are protected coastal waterbodies having an open connection to the sea, in which salty sea water is diluted by fresh water, including tidal rivers, bays, lagoons, and coves. They typically have narrow inlets providing freshwater flow and shallow nearshore water depths.
Estuarine embayments serve as concentration sites for wildlife, important nurseries for finfish, and essential habitat for forage species, promoting productivity within the coastal area. The soft-sediment characteristics of estuarine embayments also support extraordinary aquatic habitat for submerged aquatic vegetation and productive shellfish beds, which play a role in processing contaminants deposited from the streams draining into the embayments.