Session 3: 25th July 2024: Using Conservation Standards ki uta ki tai - from the mountains to the sea

Topic Overview

The Otago Regional Council embarked on an Integrated Catchment Management Programme in 2022. This was a new approach for ORC and they needed to ensure a genuinely collaborative process that resulted in ‘buy-in’ from mana whenua, community, and key stakeholders.

Integrated Catchment Management is being delivered through the development of Catchment Action Plans (CAPs), whole of ecosystem plans that link actions to outcomes. OCR needed a collaborative process, a robust framework based on logical theory of change, grass roots approach using best available information, accountable monitoring and reporting and ability to adapt. The Conservation Standards enabled all of this and packaged it in an optional project management tool – Miradi.

This session outlines how the Conservation Standards came to be used by Otago Regional Council, how it has been used in the Catlins area with mana whenua and community through a series of workshops, what challenges were faced using the approach at a landscape scale for an integrated management – whole of ecosystem, and how ORC adapted to those challenges.

Presenter Bio

Anna Molloy - Principal Advisor Environmental Implementation at Otago Regional Council 

Anna Molloy has been involved in natural resource management for 30 years, having worked in NSW Government in a variety of roles from environmental regulation, catchment management planning and coordination, native vegetation assessment and property planning, ministerial liaison, and resource policy and implementation.

She moved to Dunedin in 2020 and has worked at Otago Regional Council in Planning and Policy and now Environmental Implementation as a Principal Advisor leading the Integrated Catchment Management Programme.

Session Organisers

If you have questions about this session please contact: 

Haojin Tan,