Session 3 October 2022: Incorporating Climate Change

Topic Overview

Both subtle and clear impacts of climate change are already emerging across Australian landscapes. Bush Heritage Australia’s vision of Healthy Country, Protected Forever relies on a deep understanding of climate affected future scenarios across each of our Priority Landscapes. This webinar will present the work we have undertaken to understand the impacts of a changing climate, including working closely with Australia’s Climate Science Centre and CSIRO Land and Water. Our purpose was to empower and inform decision-making by our strategy, planning and on-ground teams as they develop or adapt land management plans, set goals, and implement strategies to protect biodiversity and human well-being in future climates. Our vision for this project is to see our people with hope, knowledge and confidence, and biodiversity with a more secure future. This work was also designed to be shared widely with sector and other partners with a focus audience through both independent analysis and reports but within our management plans. We’ll present how we are using the ‘Climate-Smart conservation practice: using the conservation standards’ to assimilate our findings of this project with our own Conservation Management Process to guide and inform our on ground management.

Presenter Bios

Tegan Hibberson

Based on Wurundjeri Country in Melbourne, Tegan has worked for the past ten years in a variety of community and conservation organisations. Currently Tegan is the Science Project Manager for Bush Heritage Australia working to coordinate research projects across the country to ensure BHA’s management actions are based on the best available science.


Step through the slide shows below by scrolling down, or open the slideshow to full screen by clicking in the upper right corner.

Climate futures_CCNet Presentation.pdf

Other Resources (click the links below)

Session Organisers

If you have questions about this session please contact:

Clair Dougherty: