Session 2, May 23 2024: Policy in Conservation Planning

Topic Overview

All of our conservation strategies operate within the context of rules, regulations, laws, international agreements, public institutions and financing that shape—and sometimes constrain—what’s possible and what public funding is available. This makes policy a critical enabling condition to transform, sustain and scale our conservation actions. During this webinar, Natalie Holland will share some tools and approaches that have been developed by TNC to assist with incorporating policy considerations into the conservation planning process. 

Presenter Bio

Natalie Holland - Conservation Projects Manager at The Nature Conservancy 

Natalie has a career spanning over 17 years working in the not-for-profit conservation sector in Australia. Currently, Natalie is the Conservation Projects Manager for The Nature Conservancy’s Australia Program, supporting the Conservancy’s Murray Darling Basin Program. Previously at The Conservancy, she led a capacity building program for Indigenous groups across Northern Australia in the use of Healthy Country Planning, an adaptation of the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation. Natalie is a Churchill Fellow recipient, undertaking a project which examined the planning, implementation, and stewardship of landscape-scale projects. Natalie has extensive experience in community and private land conservation through roles supporting community involvement in threatened species with WWF-Australia in the Threatened Species Network, and with private landholders and community groups working as the Stewardship Program Manager for Trust for Nature (Victoria). 


Step through the slide shows below by scrolling down, or open the slideshow to full screen by clicking in the upper right corner. 

CCNet AUS-NZ Webinar - Policy & Conservation Planning.pdf

Session Organisers

If you have questions about this session please contact: 

Natalie Holland,