Session 4 November 2022: Open Session

Topic Overview

Creating win-win situations in conservation means identifying and mitigating risks and negative side-effects. New guidance in the Conservation Standards demonstrates how reviewing results chains (also known as Theories of Change or road maps) can help to do this and improve outcomes for people and nature. In this interactive session you’ll get to have a go at reviewing results chains by asking probing questions and identify risks and negative side effects using some crowd-sourced results chains, with support from experienced conservation coaches.

If you have a relatively complete results chain that you would like peer reviewed and analysed for risks and negative side effects please send an image of it to Pip at and Saras at

Facilitator Bios

Pip Walsh - Consultant at Community Solutions

Pip has over twenty-five years’ experience working in conservation and is highly regarded for her strategic planning skills. Pip worked on the leadership teams of WWF Australia, Greening Australia and Bush Heritage Australia with a strong focus on change management and systems development. At Bush Heritage she managed a 2 million ha portfolio of private protected areas and worked on developing systems and support for partner organisations to manage their own protected areas.

Pip has extensive experience in leading the use of the Conservation Standards. She works closely with a number of organisations in Australia and the Asia Pacific as a Conservation Coach, through which networks she shares her passion for equipping teams to learn from their projects and each other. Pip brings together strong policy and evaluation experience, a high level of facilitation skills as well as a sound understanding of a diversity of funding, governance and operational models


Saras Kumar - Director at Conservation Management

Based in Adelaide, South Australia Saras has extensive experience in monitoring and evaluation, community engagement and cooperative management of protected areas. Her expertise is in bringing together local communities, governments, NGOs and corporations to wisely use natural resources and protect areas of conservation significance. She has over twenty years’ experience in South East Asia and Australia in leadership positions within NGO, private and government sectors.


Useful Resources

Session Organisers

If you have questions about this session please contact:

Pip Walsh: or

Saras Kumar: