Day 4

Day 4 - Fri 6/10/22 (Nathan)

After waking up and having a delicious breakfast of bacon, eggs, and french toast, we went to attend our regular morning session at 8:30. During our session, we started by playing a game called Captain's Orders. (We lost.) After this, we had a worship session followed by a small group devotional covering Isaiah 58:6-12. We discussed how the Israelites fasted to glorify themselves instead of God and how we should live to glorify God and not ourselves. 

Shortly after, we loaded our things onto the bus and started our outreach. Today, we went to a soup kitchen run by Mirna and Noah and their family and friends. Once we arrived, we split into teams, the first group helped Noah build bunk beds, the second group painted one of the rooms, and the third team helped the ladies in the kitchen and played with the children. 

We were able to cut enough pieces of wood for three bunk beds although we were only able to partially assemble one of them. (It turns out that after we left, Noah and Manny (Mirna's son) were able to put the other two beds together.) Luckily, the painting team was easily able to completely paint the room a nice beautiful purple. As for the children's group, none of the children got hurt so I'm assuming that they did a good job too. We were also able to present our kid's story again with many of the kids enthusiastically waving their hands hoping to be called on during the question time. During lunch, the people at the soup kitchen prepared fresh homemade tacos with a cucumber melon smoothie (it tastes better than it sounds). Sadly, we eventually had to leave their home so we held hands in a circle, and prayed for the people at the soup kitchen. After exchanging hugs and saying our goodbyes we departed back to base. 

After an hour, our team, along with the CCIC Sunnyvale team and some of the staff went to a Korean BBQ place for a nice dinner and some time to bond. There were many fancy appetizers and loads of meat for us to cook by ourselves. After eating, we were very full, so we decided to quickly go to Starbucks for a coffee run before heading back to base. Today there was no evening session so once we got back to base, our team decided to have our own worship on the roof. We sang our hearts out while Rachel played the guitar for us. Once we finished, we had a quick sharing of what we thought about this trip before heading back to our rooms and saying our daily "Bonus Nachos." 

Today has definitely been my favorite day out of the many days we have been here and I look forward to tomorrow when we will go to a local dump to pass out food to the people living there

Signing off, 
