Day 3

Day 3 - 6/8/23 (Nathan)

This morning, many of us (at least in the boys' room) struggled to get up because of all the activities we did yesterday. We ate a delicious and super American breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and cereal. Paul says that the pancakes were, "the fluffiest pancakes I've ever eaten." 

After breakfast we relaxed for a bit in our rooms before heading to morning session. Today's game was "Safari" where each time had to form a certain thing with their bodies. We won the first round thanks to Uncle Chris's creativity in becoming windshield wipers for the Jeep we were forming. Sadly, we didn't win any of the other rounds and didn't end up winning the game. (We are still the lowest scoring team at a measly one point.) After the game, we had our morning devotional time. Today we looked at Deuteronomy 26: 7-9 and Isaiah 53: 4-5 and examined the parallels between God's actions in the two passages as well as discussing God's love for us. After that we had a quick worship session before heading out for our first day of ministry.

Today's outreach mission was going to Corazon Lleno, a soup kitchen run by a woman named Mirna. (For those of you who were on the mission team last year, read last year's blog, or watched last year's video, you'll remember that we went here for one of our outreach missions last year. We even saw the room we painted and the bunk beds we built last year!) During our time at the soup kitchen this year, we had a lot of time to play with the kids. We made balloon swords/dogs for them as well as playing football (soccer) or painting their nails. We performed our two skits for the kids as well as eating lunch with them. Sadly, we had to leave a little bit early because of traffic. However, we will be back at the soup kitchen for church on Sunday. 

After getting back to base from the soup kitchen, we had some time to rest up and relax. Before dinner, some of us decided to go to OXXO for a snack run. Today's dinner be honest I really don't know but it tasted good. Here's a picture of it:

After dinner, we played some beach volleyball. Most of us are pretty bad at it. 

During evening session, we played another game. We had three minutes to build as tall of a tower as we could with paper. We were doing pretty well and our tower was the tallest but someone caused it to fall over just five seconds before the game ended. 

During today's message, Jud asked us to take five looks into the Bible. We looked at Genesis, Leviticus, Isaiah John, and Revelations. These four areas of the Bible represented the path in which God made us, promised to be with us, how he sent his son to die for us, and how we will live together again. After this, we had the infamous Passion Play. (No spoilers.) The night ended with a spontaneous worship session outside where we were able to really just let go and worship God. Onions were cut throughout our team.

Just kidding. The night did not end there. For some reason, our group likes getting tacos after Passion Play night so we went to Tacos Puebla with Evan, our translator from last year. 

Tomorrow, we'll be going to the Hope Zone to help out in a work project. And maybe we'll finally score some points for our team in the games.

Love from Mexico!

Bonus Nachos!

(More pictures will come later. It is past midnight and I am really tired.)