Day 1

Day 1 - 6/6/23 (Clement)

Today we woke up and prayed at 6:30, and we quickly went to the airport where we brought a bunch of luggage around. After we got off the one hour and one minute flight to San Diego from San Jose, we were put into a bus with a group of 55 people from Minnesota. We crossed the border, had lunch, and began a long scenic drive to the YWAM Campus in Ensenada Mexico. The YWAM Campus was camoflauged almost into the rest of the buildings but inside was a very comforting space with games. After dinner, we began our first night session where we worshipped God and listened to their one pastor talk about the theme Taste and See. After discussing the plans I wrote the blog, and I will go to sleep to begin training tommorow BYE EVERYBODY!!!!