Day 2

Day 2 - 6/7/23 (Grace)

Hola! This is Day 2 or our trip!

We started the day bright and early, with most of us waking up before 7:00 AM. The boys got up a bit earlier to take a walk down by the beach. We had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, potatoes, tortilla, and a selection of fruit and cereal. 

This was us as we got ready for the day!

After breakfast, we went to our first morning session! First, we opened up the mailbox where there were only five letters (four of which Jodie and I wrote). Then, we played a game just like last year where we tried to pop the other teams' balloons by stepping on them. (We didn't win though T^T)

We then had our first devotion time, where we really dived into Psalms 34. Afterwards, we had a testimony time where we got to write or edit our testimonies. There was a break after the testimony time, and we all had chips and salsa. The last activity of the morning before lunch was to practice our skits that we would perform for the children when we do outreach. 

During lunch (which was pulled pork and potato stuffed tortillas & salad), Ashton from the church in Alaska joined us. We had a fun time discussing different things about Alaska as well as in California. 

After lunch, we split into two groups to have a final training session. One group learned a new skit while the other group learned how to face paint and tie balloons. We then came back together to learn how to dance to a song that we could teach the children at the different ministries we will be visiting later this week. 

We then got ready for the Amazing Race! We played multiple games, and we were actually in the lead for the beginning of the race. However, we did sadly end up in last place after we played an extra game and spent a long time building the sand castle. Nevertheless, we all had fun together as a team. 

We all worked together to match the baby photos together with the adult photos of the staff members. 

After the long game, we all took a short break before dinner. Some of us decided to go to OXXO, the local convenience store, to get some snacks and just shop around. During dinner (which was pasta with garlic bread and salad), Silas (one of the YWAM staff members that will be leading us this week) joined us for dinner. We all ate really well, and Rachel and Nathan have become part chicken during dinner.

This was our dinner of pasta noodles, bread, and salad.

Before the evening session, we had a bit of time to spare, so we decided to play some card games together. After a while, it was time for the evening session. The theme of this week is Taste and See which comes from Psalms 34 which describes seeking God and tasting His goodness. Jud, the speaker for the week, gave us a message on truly seeking Jesus and truly living a LIFE that is not bland but full one. 

After the evening session which included a game that tested your reflexes (by snatching cups) and a great worship time as well as the message, the team decided to have a quiet worship session by the fireplace. (Rachel was playing a guitar that we borrowed from the Prayer Room!)

This was our quiet worship session surrounding the fireplace. 

We took a quick video with the team, and we attempted to screenshot a moment where everyone was in it! We will definitely take more group photos tomorrow!

We all felt tired after our short worship time, so we said goodnight to each other and head to bed! We hope to have another great day tomorrow! 

~ Bonus Nachos ♡

(Also side note, the roof top is closed off this year. T^T So at the moment, we have to find a new place to hangout together! Hopefully we find a good hangout place soon!!)