Day 8

Day 8 - 6/13/23 (Paul)

Hi again, it's Paul

Today is the day where we say our goodbyes to Ensenada and the Mission Adventures staff. We were allowed to wake up really late at around 5 am so we could make our 1 pm flight. As we all begrudingly woke up, we began to pack all of our stuff and prepare to depart base at 6 am. When the time came, we said our goodbyes to everyone, grabbed our breakfast, and headed off to our bus with ACF, the church from Alaska. Nothing really interesting happened on the bus, we basically all slept or did something else, so here are some photos:

Then came the border, where also nothing much happened except when I got stopped for having "powder" in my bag; beware I have illegal substances on me (I feel the need to emphasize this in case anyone missed it, that was a joke). More photos!

After crossing the border, We stopped for lunch at the same place we stopped at on the first day. We went to Starbucks (imagine being dependent on coffee) and then split off to get either Chipotle or In-N-Out. Then we drove to the San Diego airport where we parted ways with ACF and hopped on our plane that was delayed 30 minutes for boarding and at least another 30 for the plane's physical technical difficulties.

We landed and was met with Uncle Miles and Auntie Meiying and headed back to church. The journey is finally over and I would write a big "wow this trip was so cool" story but you guys hear about that when we share in the near future.

It's been fun, and I'm signing off for a two hour nap at 6:19 pm. See everyone soon!