Day 3

Day 3 - Thur 6/9/22 (Rachel)

We woke up and ate breakfast once again before attending morning session at 8:30. We split into our small devotional groups and discussed Matthew 28:18-20, which is the Great Commission. Then, we headed out on our first trip, to an orphanage named Guarderia Dios Provehera A.C. & Casa Hogar.

At the orphanage, we played games and handed out toys and candy to the children while getting to know them. The owners and founders of the orphanage, Claire and Wayne (in the picture below), gave us a tour of the building. It's a Christian facility, and many adults have come to know Christ while working there.

After the tour, we put our training into practice by performing our skit and playing a game. After eating lunch with the kids, we spent more time with them, doing crafts and having fun on their see-saw. We also attended a worship session led by some of the children and teens at the orphanage who have been playing music for most of their lives.

When it was time to leave, we were all sad to say goodbye. Throughout our visit, we were able to practice our Spanish, and the kids were full of energy and very welcoming. To donate to the orphanage, which is providing a safe place for children and teens to stay, here is the address to send checks to: Safe Care Mission International Society, PO BOX 646, Delano, MN. USA, 55328. To get in touch with the founders, call (818) 582-5517 or email

After returning to our base and eating dinner, we went to our evening session. The leaders put on a powerful and personal skit about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, reminding us of the great gift that has been given to us. This led to an altar call, where many youth and adults were able to dedicate their lives to God.

After our prayer and worship, we ended our day with a team bonding at a nearby taco shop, led by our translator, Evan (who can be seen in several pictures above). We then returned to our base and bid each other "buenas noches," or as some of us like to say, "buenas nachos."

Please pray for our trip tomorrow, where we'll be building bunk beds and painting. God bless!

Signing off,
