Day 2

Day 2 - Wed 6/8/22 (James)

We woke up around 7:00 am and got ready to have breakfast at 7:30 am. For breakfast, we had pancakes with bacon, eggs, and syrup which was very good :) Along with breakfast, we met two leaders Faith and Judah who were both very excited to talk to us about coming to Ensenada, Mexico for mission work. 

During the morning session, we played a balloon popping game where we tied a balloon to our feet and tried to pop the other teams' balloons by stepping on them. Jodie was the last person standing in our group which earned us 1 point! Lets goo!!

Then, we had worship where 2 youth from Sunnyvale were brought up to sing along. After, we split into small groups to have devotionals which were very informational and thoughtful to hear everyone's ideas. We then prepared for our kids' story where we were assigned different parts for a skit. Our topic was Jesus walking on water.

We then had lunch at 12:30 pm where we had burritos. They were DELICIOUS!! Then we had a game time where there were a number of tasks we had to complete in order to win against the Sunnyvale group. This was definitely the highlight of the day as we got to go around the base doing various tasks such as exploding watermelons and getting face paintings:

After everyone cooled down, we went to get ice cream with leaders Faith and Liv. Everyone agreed the best flavor was lemon cake, yum :O We also went to OXXO (the local 7-11) to buy snacks. According to Jodie, "The pineapple soda was less than $1!!!" 

After we came back from our mini trip, we had chicken alfredo for dinner which happened to be better than the dinner we had on Tuesday. With full stomachs, we went to the rooftop to play some games before going to the evening session.

During the evening session, we started out by playing a game where we had to bring an item to the leader the quickest. I was chosen as the runner (the person who brings the items to the leader). With the help of everyone, we managed to win in 1st as we brought the items the fastest. After everyone got settled, DK or Daniel Kim gave an opening speech about his previous takeaways from our speaker of the week, Luke, which gave a lot of insight to his sermon. Luke then proceeded to share his message along with worship towards the end. Many of us had our spiritual highs today and I hope we have many more in the coming days.

Signing off, 
