How can I tell which Círculo collection my child is reading?

The book collections are sub-divided into levels that are designated by a color name in Spanish. Each book has a small label on the front cover indicating the color. See the Color Directory below for guidance. Colors are listed in order of increasing difficulty.


Lectura por nivel
Azul Claro

Lectura por placer
Café con leche
Verde límon

We have a small (but growing!) collection of comics and graphic novels. These books are not leveled but are available for students who enjoy this format or are more motivated to read by it.

What do I do if my child has lost or damaged a book?

There is a $10 replacement fee for lost or damaged books. Please place a note with your child's name and the $10 payment for the Círculo exchanger by way of the classroom Círculo exchange basket. Payment may be cash or check (made out to SIPAT). Your child will have their book exchanges resumed once payment is received. If the $10 fee is a financial hardship, please contact the SIPAT Círculo de Lectura Coordinators for a waiver. If you find and return the book after you have paid the replacement fee, you may request a refund.

My child returned his last Círculo book, but has not received a new Círculo book in quite some time. What is going on?

This happens! Please contact us and we can get your child started again with exchanges. We have manual exchange records which are quite prone to human error. We really hate to have children miss out on opportunities to read. So, we usually give people the benefit of the doubt when they tell us that they have returned a book already. Sometimes missing books turn up in strange places!

My child is currently receiving services from the reading room. Should we also be participating in Círculo?

If your child is currently receiving services from the reading specialists in the reading room, he/she should not also be participating in Círculo. Children receiving reading room services should be focusing on the individualized program that the reading specialists are providing and not the Círculo program.

I would like my child to check out more than one book at a time. In addition, I would like to select books the from the Círculo collection that my child reads. Is that okay?

We appreciate that many parents want to be able to individualize the Círculo program to meet their child's needs more effectively. Generally, we can only have one book checked out at a time per child because the collection needs to serve many children (about 100 per grade level). We encourage you to contact us about individualizing exchanges for your child. We would like to work with you on this, while at the same time retaining some control over how the collection circulates.