Volunteer ON CAMPUS

One-time volunteer opportunities

1) CCE Picture Day

Help keep students and classes organized and photo-ready on school picture day! Contact Daniela Loyola if you'd like to help out.

2) Fall and Spring Scholastic Book Fairs: November 13-27, 2023 and March 18-22, 2024

We need volunteers to run cash registers, help students find books, and answer questions. Contact CCE Librarian Petrina Jonas if you'd like to help out.

Ongoing volunteer opportunities

1) Supervise student sports and games on the blacktop before school: Every school day, 8:10am - 8:25am

Students can start the day playing with provided balls and equipment out on the blacktop to get some movement in before the bell rings. If you have time and would like to supervise students on the blacktop from 8:10am to 8:25am any school day, please contact Sra. Dunn. 

2) SchoolScan before school: Every school day, 8:10am-8:30am

Help scan in students who arrive to school by foot, bike, or carpool. Please contact Karin Kasuga if you can help or have questions.

3) Lead board games during recess: Monday/Wednesday/Friday between 11:30am - 1:15pm

Not all students want to spend recess running outside. Some have asked for a space to play board games or do crafts, and we can now do this in the CARES Center (aka the old MPR). Check back soon for a Sign-up Genius.  

4) Help 1st-6th graders learn gardening and dance: Tuesday and Thursdays, 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Every few weeks, the 1st through 6th grade classes rotate among Counselor, Gardening, and Dance lessons as part of "Lobos Activos." Parents and guardians are welcome to volunteer at the dance or garden rotation during Tuesdays and Thursdays. No prior knowledge needed; you'll receive instructions when you arrive and help students learn about soils, gardening, and environmental stewardship ... or Latin dances.

5) Help exchange books for Círculo

As parents of 1st through 3rd graders know, Círculo is invaluable for helping students learn and love to read in Spanish. For the program to run optimally, we need volunteers to swap out books every week. We have a room on campus dedicated to Círculo and veteran parents to show you how to help. If you have time and willingness, we'd love to have your help! Email Danah Singapuri to be involved. 

6) Help in your child(ren)'s classroom

Contact your child/children's teachers to ask about specific ways you can help in the classroom or during field trips.

Be sure to review DJUSD's Volunteer Guidelines before coming on campus. See you at Cesar Chavez!