CCE Choir

Does your student love to sing?

Experienced instructor and parent-volunteer Emma Turnbull will lead students in grades 4-6 in exploring the fun of singing together. Choir club will meet in the CCE music room (east side of the new MPR) on Tuesday afternoons, 3:05-4pm, starting on 9/19.

There is space for up to 20 4th graders and 15 5th-6th graders. Students will be selected by lottery from those who sign up. If your child is interested, please fill out this pre-registration form. Registration closes on 9/25 at 8pm. All late registrants will be placed on a waiting list. 

Parents of participants will be notified on Monday, 9/18 via email, and will receive a permission slip to be returned by 9/26.

THANK YOU to SIPAT and the Davis School Arts Foundation for supporting this artistic enrichment program for our students.