Input Terminology

  • w = Weak / l = Light

  • s = Strong / h = Heavy

  • c = Command

  • a = aerial

  • NE = Negative Edge

  • xx = Special Cancel

  • [x] = Hold Input

  • ]x[ = Release Hold Input

  • QCF = Quarter-Circle Forward

  • HCF = Half-Circle Forward

  • QCB = Quarter-Circle Back

  • DP = Dragon Punch Input (623)

  • C2 = COIL 2 (See `Coil` below)

  • CR = COIL Release

Move Abbreviations

  • PW = Power Wave

  • BK = Burn Knuckle

  • CS = Crack Shoot

  • PD = Power Dunk

  • RT = Rising Tackle

  • PG = Power Geyser

  • BW = Buster Wolf

  • SDA = Spotdodge Attack

  • j1 /j2 / j3 = Jab 1 / 2 / 3

  • jj = Jab 1 > Jab 2

  • T = Tipper hitbox of the move, e.g. Tj1 for Tipper Jab 1

Power Geyser can also be inputted with 246

Negative Edge (NE)

Negative Edge (NE) is a mechanic where releasing the A button counts as an input for a command, allowing for easier special cancels. This comes from Traditional Fighting Games such as Street Fighter III. However, for a more Nintendo-related example, half-A presses in Super Mario 64 speedrunning can apply.

In Smash, Negative Edge is used with Ryu, Ken and Terry for Weak Command Specials, and works in pretty much the same way. This is crucial, as it allows you to input your special combos far more consistently. You also have less need to react to a move connecting on an opponent, which makes combos far more reliable as well.

For example, to input Jab 2 xx clPD, you would only need to hold Jab 2, input 623 for Power Dunk, then release A. Although, this combo can be SDI'd. Apply this accordingly for any other Command Special.

Here are some other example applications;

  • NAir xx clBK allows you to edgeguard opponents pretty easily, due to the sheer knockback of BK.

  • jj xx clRT hold down while holding the attack button then release it while flicking up on the control stick

Renda Cancel

“Renda cancel” or just “renda” refers to inputting a special command before or while doing a normal making use of the buffer system. This way you can cancel into that special on hit by only pressing the A or B button giving you more time to confirm the hit. Think of it as front loading or hiding the command input during another animation.

Tiger Knee (TK)

TK is a form of renda cancel, but instead of hiding the input in another move, you buffer it during jump/jump squat. This is primarily used for PD, CS and lBK as those will auto cancel from around full hop height. This can also be used to get the aerial version of CS and BK close to the ground.

Command Orientation Input Lock (Coil)

Command Orientation Input Lock or just COIL for short allows the FGC characters to effectively store an input direction while the c-stick is held. This is particularly helpful for Terry as it allows him to charge cRT while freely moving around. Refer to these documents for details on how it works and more applications.