Strengths and Weaknesses


Terry's biggest strength lies in his ability to get very high damaging combos out of his fast normals, most notably jab. Coupled with his good frame data, this allows him to win most close quarter interactions. In addition, having the ability to cancel into his specials on shield gives him a very strong shield pressure game.

Although he has great CQC tools, Terry prefers to play around mid (roll) distances. This is because of his many burst options including CS, pivot cancelled forward tilt, TKPD and even dash attack/grab. His projectile is not to be underestimated either. It can either be used as a way to cover your approaches, or force an approach from your opponent.

And the cherry on top: Terry has the DLC privilege of having his own comeback mechanic in his GO moves, which have high damage and kill power. Couple that with being a heavyweight on par with Samus and you will live until the required 100% more often than not.


His heavyweight status does come with some trade offs. Terry is not the fastest character, moving in the air as slow as King K Rool and not having much air acceleration either.

Being slow in the air also means that Terry has it harder to escape juggles than other characters.

His ground speed is also nothing to boast about, running only as fast as a potted plant (Piranha Plant) and being bottom 10 regarding walk speed. What makes this worse is that his ground acceleration is also slower, so he cannot walk back and forth to shimmy as good as Ryu or Ken.

One thing that takes some time to get used to is that none of his specials will snap the ledge until they have fully completed. This makes it necessary to space your up special just below the ledge to avoid someone from hitting your legs when they poke above stage. On a more positive note though, Terry has a really big ledge grab box, which when mastered can actually allow him to avoid most 2 frame attempts. More details are in the Recovery section.