Psych Yourself Up: Creating a Standout LinkedIn About Summary

Written by: Ruth V. Walker, PhD 

Published July 5, 2024

Did you know that 82% of recruiters say the about section of your LinkedIn profile plays an important role in forming their first impression of a candidate (LinkedIn Talent Solutions, 2022)? LinkedIn profiles with complete about summaries are also approximately 27% more likely to be discovered by recruiters during searches. Additionally, a detailed about summary can lead to 3.5 times more profile views, and including specific skills and experiences can increase your profile views by up to 13 times (LinkedIn, 2021).

What is the Purpose of a LinkedIn About Summary?

Like the professional summary on your resume, your LinkedIn about summary should provide a potential employer or recruiter with an "elevator pitch" that summarizes your career achievements and goals. However, unlike a resume, your LinkedIn about summary should also capture the reader's attention by making it more personal.

AI-Generated Versus Personalized About Summaries

Let's look at an example About Summary for an undergraduate student majoring in psychology, who is interested in becoming a recreational therapist. This summary was written by ChatGPT.

Image of a computer screen that says About Summary at the top. There are several typos and errors throughout the image.

ChatGPT created this image to complement this blog post. I thought the proliferation of errors made it somehow more appropriate for me to include to highlight the limitations of AI-generated content.

ChatGPT Generated About Summary

As an undergraduate psychology student passionate about enhancing the well-being of individuals through recreational therapy, I am eager to apply my knowledge and skills to help others live healthier, happier lives. My academic journey has equipped me with a strong foundation in psychological principles, and I am particularly drawn to the therapeutic power of recreational activities.

I aspire to become a recreational therapist, where I can combine my love for the outdoors with my desire to make a positive impact on people's lives. I believe in the transformative potential of nature and physical activity, and I have seen firsthand how these elements can improve mental health and overall well-being. Through my studies and practical experiences, I have developed a deep understanding of how to design and implement therapeutic recreation programs tailored to individual needs.

When I’m not immersed in my studies, you can find me hiking the scenic trails of Chattanooga. The beauty of nature not only rejuvenates me but also inspires my approach to therapy. Whether it's through hiking, outdoor games, or other recreational activities, I aim to create inclusive and engaging programs that promote physical, emotional, and social health.

I am excited to connect with professionals in the field of recreational therapy and psychology, share insights, and collaborate on innovative approaches to therapeutic recreation. Let's work together to create meaningful experiences that enhance the quality of life for all.

Although this example is well-written and grammatically correct, it doesn’t give a genuine sense of who the student is or what they have achieved. When writing an About Summary you want to avoid formal language that you wouldn’t use in everyday conversation. Phrases like "academic journey" and "particularly drawn to" can sound impersonal and are clear indicators you used AI to write your summary. Instead, you want to write using a similar tone to the one you use when speaking with a colleague. More professional than how you might talk to a roommate, but less professional than your resume summary. If you need more incentive, Career Builder (2021) researchers found that About Summaries written in a professional tone yet personalized to reflect the individual's unique experiences and aspirations are 42% more likely to be read in full by recruiters (CareerBuilder, 2021).

If possible, you also want to incorporate personal experiences that highlight your journey and motivations. Personal stories or anecdotes related to career goals and professional experiences can make profiles 29% more memorable (Forbes, 2020). The following is an example of an About Summary that uses a personal anecdote to explain their interest in the field of industrial-organizational psychology.  

Recruiter Sam Struan says a good About Summary contains these four elements: 

Elements of an Effective LinkedIn About Summary (1) tell people what you do and your years of experience, (2) tell people what you're good at, (3) prove it, and (4) end with a call to action.

Let's look at a revised version of the ChatGPT generated About Summary for a student interested in becoming a recreational therapist...

Image of a person using their laptop to edit their LinkedIn About Summary.

This one is ChatGPT generated as well; however, I went through multiple edits to get rid of some of the more blatant errors. :)

Human and AI-Generated About Summary

Growing up in Tennessee, the outdoors has played a strong role in my life. Hiking has always been more than a hobby to me; it is restorative. It wasn’t until I took an undergraduate course in positive psychology that I learned that I was unknowingly engaging in mindfulness exercises and other evidence-based techniques used by mental health professionals to improve well-being. It was then that the idea of blending my professional goal of becoming a therapist with my love of nature was born. 

My goal of becoming a recreational therapist has motivated me to seek opportunities that will help me build the knowledge and skills needed to shape me into a successful therapist, and a competitive graduate school applicant. I am the proudest of:

I know I have a lot to learn before I can become a licensed recreational therapist. I’m here to connect and learn from mental health professionals who can help me grow into a competent and compassionate therapist.

This revised About Summary includes a description of what they do, quantifiable metrics to support their success in their past endeavors (e.g., high GPA, impact of working with a conservancy), and a call to action. It is also written in a more personable tone. It will be important for this student to continue updating it as they gain more relevant experiences and accomplishments, but this summary is more relatable and engaging than the ChatGPT version. Meaning, it will be more likely to catch and keep the attention of a hiring manager. 

Are there good ways to use ChatGPT to help me write my LinkedIn About Summary? 

Yes! Let's go over some sample prompts you can use.

The more specific and detailed information you provide to ChatGPT—such as quantifiable metrics, personal anecdotes, and favorite career moments—the better and more tailored the content it generates will be. 


To learn more, see Part 2 of my LinkedIn Development Workshop Series!

About the Author

Dr. Ruthie Walker is an Assistant Professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She has taught and mentored more than 1,500 students since 2011 and is passionate about preparing undergraduate (and graduate) students in psychology to be successful professionals. She is the creator of the Careers in Psychology Google site, and worked with Dr.  Drew Appleby to create the "What Can I do with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology?" resource poster that has been downloaded more than 1,500 times.