Navigating Job Interviews with Confidence Using ChatGPT

Written by: Sabrina Grebenstein

Published February 18, 2024

When I applied to Industrial Organizational master’s programs in the Spring of last year, I wanted to be realistic about my odds of being accepted. For me, this meant applying for internships. This way, if I did not get into a program, I would be gaining experience in the field that could lead to a job. At this point, I had sent my resume out to human resource internship positions posted both locally and remotely. When I started receiving requests for interviews, I knew I needed to brush up on my interviewing skills. It was at this moment that I turned to ChatGPT. I believe my improved interviewing skills are what have helped me land three internship offers, and a spot in one of the top ranked I-O programs in the country.

Image outlines the four components of interview preparation ChatGPT can be used for. Information is repeated in blog text.

How did I use ChatGPT to help me land internship offers?

There are four main ways I have used ChatGPT to help me land interviews and job offers: (1) ChatGPT can be used to tailor your resume and cover letter to a specific job or company, (2) ChatGPT can help explain what an organization does in easy to understand terms, (3) ChatGPT can conduct a mock interview and provide feeedback on your responses, and (4) ChatGPT can give you sample questions to ask your interviewers at the end of the interview. This post is going to focus on how to use ChatGPT to prepare for success during your interview(s), using the prompts and feedback I received when preparing for a recent internship interview.

Step One: Use ChatGPT to help you learn about the organization

Curious how I pulled it off? Here's my secret - I kick things off by reviewing the company's website. I examine their values and mission to get a feel for what they are all about. Then I turn to ChatGPT for a rundown on their operations, to make sure I have a handle on their core business.

Example Prompt: I am applying for an internship with Hamilton County in Chattanooga Tennessee in the Economic and Community Development Department. Please give me a quick overview of relevant information I will need for my interview.

ChatGPT Output

The Economic and Community Development Department in Hamilton County, Chattanooga, Tennessee, plays a pivotal role in fostering sustainable economic growth and enhancing the overall well-being of the community. Here's an overview of what you might expect:

Mission and Objectives: The department's primary mission is to promote economic prosperity and improve the quality of life for residents of Hamilton County. It aims to achieve this by implementing strategic initiatives that support business development, job creation, affordable housing, infrastructure improvements, and community revitalization.

Key Responsibilities: The department is responsible for a wide range of activities, including:

Key Initiatives: The department may be involved in various initiatives aimed at promoting economic growth and community development, such as:

Community Engagement: Engaging with the local community is crucial for the department's success. This may involve conducting outreach events, town hall meetings, stakeholder consultations, and public hearings to solicit input, gather feedback, and ensure that development initiatives reflect the needs and priorities of residents.

Collaboration and Partnerships: The department collaborates closely with various stakeholders, including local government agencies, chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private sector partners. These partnerships are essential for leveraging resources, sharing expertise, and fostering a collaborative approach to economic and community development.

Overall, the Economic and Community Development Department in Hamilton County, Chattanooga, is dedicated to creating a vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community where businesses thrive, residents prosper, and quality of life is enhanced for all. As an intern, you may have the opportunity to contribute to meaningful projects and gain valuable experience in the field of economic and community development.

Step Two: Use ChatGPT to help you identify how you can contribute to the organization

Now that I have a good understanding of the department, I want to think about how I can contribute to the organization. Within that same chat-thread, I input both my resume and the job posting into ChatGPT. ChatGPT will then help me identify how I'm a good fit for the role and highlight any skills or experiences I may have overlooked. 

Example Prompt: “Based on this resume [paste your resume] tell me how I am qualified for this position.”

ChatGPT Output

Based on your resume, you are highly qualified for the internship role in the Economic and Community Development Department with Hamilton County in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Here's why:

Overall, your combination of academic background, practical experience, skills, and achievements make you a strong candidate for the internship role in the Economic and Community Development Department. You have the potential to make significant contributions to the department's efforts in promoting economic prosperity and enhancing the overall well-being of the community in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Step Three: Use ChatGPT to help you identify questions your interviewer(s) may ask you

Now that I've got my basics down, I turn to ChatGPT to generate a list of potential interview questions. Once I've got the questions, I craft my responses and then bounce them off ChatGPT for feedback. This step has been a game-changer! Getting that feedback has really improved my communication.

Example Prompt: Please provide a list of potential questions I may be asked during the interview.

Example Prompt: Can you provide me with feedback on my response to question #7? [paste your question response]

Getting feedback on my responses has helped me understand what hiring managers are looking for. For example, ChatGPT will point out things I have done well in my response, things I can do better, and give me a sample revised response so I can see how to implement the feedback.

ChatGPT Output

Here's a list of potential questions you may be asked during your interview for the internship role in the Economic and Community Development Department with Hamilton County in Chattanooga, Tennessee:

Be prepared to provide specific examples and anecdotes from your experiences to support your responses to these questions. Practice articulating your thoughts and experiences concisely and confidently to make a positive impression during the interview.

Step Four: Use ChatGPT to help you identify potential questions to ask your interviewer(s)

After wrapping up the interview, I always make sure to ask some insightful questions. With a little help from ChatGPT, I try to pick questions that will showcase how I'd be a great fit for both the role and the company. Usually, I aim to have at least three questions ready to roll. But here's the deal, you want to make sure these questions matter to you and could sway your decision about taking the job. Oh, and pay close attention during the interview! Asking something that's already been covered? Not a good look. It might seem like you weren't tuned in, and that's not the impression you want to leave behind.

Example Prompt: “What questions should I consider asking at the end of my interview?”

ChatGPT Output

When considering questions to ask at the end of your interview for the internship role in the Economic and Community Development Department with Hamilton County in Chattanooga, Tennessee, it's essential to demonstrate your interest in the position, gather valuable information, and leave a positive impression. Here are some questions you may consider asking:

Remember to tailor these questions to your specific interests and the information you would like to gather about the internship, the department, and the organization. Asking thoughtful and insightful questions demonstrates your enthusiasm, curiosity, and commitment to making a meaningful contribution to the team and the community.

I've applied this strategy to both internship and grad school interviews, and I've lost count of how many times interviewers have praised how well-prepared I was. Although your resume might open the door, it's your interview skills – with a little assistance from ChatGPT – that'll land you the next interview or even the job offer! Give it a shot in your next interview, and trust me, you'll walk in feeling confident. Oh, and did I mention that ChatGPT is totally FREE?

Photo of the author, Sabrina Grebenstein

About the Author

My name is Sabrina Grebenstein and I am a first year masters student in Industrial Organizational Psychology at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Through research, training, and consultation, my goal is to help organizations create environments where all employees feel respected, valued, and empowered to excel, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or background. When I am not in class, you will find me reading my latest fantasy obsession.