Careers in Psychology

Welcome psychology students and recent graduates! 

You are a part of a field that offers countless career opportunities. This is a strength of the field of psychology; however, many students feel overwhelmed navigating the possibilities. My hope is that this site will help you discover your path to success with the resources provided, including a list of more than 300+ career options, the PsyVocational Blog, career exploration tools, career planning tools, and more. 

Let's get started! Do you know how skilled you are?

GIF from the show Community of a character who is majoring in psychology dancing and saying "I got skills."

A team of professors with the American Psychological Association created a list of transferable skills students majoring in psychology gain throughout their training. Your current skill set may include...  

Drawing of head with a colorful brain.

Cognitive Skills

Colorful image with hands reaching in the air. Graphics representing social communication platforms on palm of each hand.

Communication Skills

Graphic of a masculine-presenting person in a button-up shirt and tie in a picture frame with a ribbon.

Personal Skills

Image of a group of people sitting at a table and working together.

Social Skills

Image of various data output graphics and a magnifying glass.

Technological Skills

How can you continue to build additional skills that will help you stand out to hiring managers?

Broadening your knowledge and skills beyond the classroom is essential for enhancing your competitiveness for internships, graduate school, and future job opportunities. Engaging in additional training can help you acquire practical skills, gain certifications, and stay updated with the latest trends in your field. Studies have shown that students who engage in extracurricular learning and obtain certifications have higher employability rates and are more likely to succeed in their careers (Pang et al., 2019). According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), graduates with relevant certifications and skills are more attractive to employers, which can significantly impact their job search success (NACE, 2021).


In addition to the free online training courses, organized by field of interest, detailed on the following pages, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are an excellent way for you to broaden your knowledge and skills. MOOCs are online courses available to anyone with an internet connection, often free of charge, and they cover a wide range of subjects. They include courses in technology, business, humanities, and sciences, among many others. Popular platforms offering MOOCs include Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, and Khan Academy. These courses can range from short, self-paced modules to comprehensive programs requiring several weeks of study. Participating in MOOCs not only provides valuable knowledge and skills but also offers tangible evidence of your commitment to continuous learning. This can be a strong answer to the common interview question, "How do you build your knowledge and skills beyond the classroom?" By mentioning specific MOOCs you have completed, you can demonstrate your proactive approach to learning and professional development.

Download Dr. Walker's resource guide, "Enhancing your competitiveness: Training resources for psychology students" for a list of FREE online trainings and certifications. 

What transferable skills should you highlight on your resume, LinkedIn, or other professional sites?

As an undergraduate psychology major, there are several skills you can list on your LinkedIn profile to showcase your abilities and attract potential employers or connections within the field. Here's a list of skills that may be relevant to you as a psychology major, depending on the coursework and experiences you had:

Remember to tailor your skills section to highlight the ones most relevant to the specific opportunities you are seeking. You can also include any additional skills or certifications you may have gained outside of your academic curriculum. As you progress in your career, your skillset will continue to evolve, so keep your LinkedIn profile updated regularly.

“Find what you’re good at, become excellent at it, and pursue opportunities where those skills are in demand.” 

Eric Sinoway