Psychology Career Resources

Image of a masculine-presenting person in a button-down shirt meeting with a student in front of a Student Services center.
Photo of Liberty University Career Center.

Three Key Allies for Career Success!

Four essential individuals can assist you in planning your career in psychology and business.

Each college campus offers unique educational opportunities, and advisors and career counselors are valuable sources of information to help you prepare for your career.

Check out our curated resources and readings to help you grow!

“Give yourself more time. So many college graduates immediately start wanting to make all their dreams come true at once — this can go wrong in many ways. The first is the frustration that you’re not ‘there’ yet. It’s going to take time to find (or build) your dream career. The second is burnout. If you find your career early, you can find yourself setting all sorts of unrealistic goals with arbitrary deadlines and chase them until you drop from fatigue. You can have it all — but not all at once.” 

David Burkus