Resume Development

Crafting an effective resume is a key step in establishing your professional identity. Your resume serves as a snapshot of your academic achievements, work experience, and relevant skills, helping you stand out in a competitive job market. This section features our comprehensive three-part Resume Development Workshop series, which guides you through creating an ATS-friendly resume, writing a compelling professional summary, accurately listing your education, and detailing your work and volunteer experiences. Additionally, you will find an ATS-friendly resume template designed to enhance your chances of getting noticed by both automated systems and human recruiters.

Video 1: Understanding Applicant Tracking Systems and Creating a Professional Summary

In the first video, Dr. Walker discusses the importance of making your resume ATS-friendly. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are used by many employers to scan and filter resumes before they reach human recruiters. Ensuring your resume is ATS-compatible increases your chances of getting noticed. She also covers how to create a strong professional summary that highlights your key skills and experiences, setting the tone for the rest of your resume.

Video 2: Completing the Education Section and Enhancing Your Professional Summary

The second video focuses on completing the education section of your resume and enhancing your professional summary. Dr. Walker provides tips on how to accurately list your educational qualifications, including the full name of your institution, degree obtained or expected, and any relevant minors or concentrations. She also explains how to craft a compelling professional summary that effectively showcases your qualifications and aligns with job requirements. 

Video 3: Building the Work Experience and Skills Sections

In the third video, Dr. Walker emphasizes the importance of detailing your work experience with quantifiable achievements. Researchers have found that resumes with specific, measurable accomplishments are more likely to catch the attention of hiring managers and pass through ATS filters. She also discusses how to create a strong skills section and the importance of continuous skill development through training, certifications, and continuing education courses. 

ATS-Friendly Resume Template

To further support your professional identity development, here is an ATS-friendly resume template. This template is designed to be easy for both ATS and human recruiters to read, ensuring that your resume gets the attention it deserves. The template includes clear section labels, simple formatting, and space for quantifiable metrics that demonstrate your achievements and skills.

By utilizing the resources and insights from these videos and the ATS-friendly resume template, you can build a resume that stands out in the job market and effectively communicates your professional identity.

Check out our PsyVocational Blog posts with great tips and suggestions for building a competitive resume!

June 18, 2024: From Fluff to Facts: Making AI Work for Your Professional Documents by Ruth Walker, PhD
February 9, 2024: The Art of LinkedIn Headlines by Ruth Walker, PhD
January 26, 2024: Elevating Your Resume with Quantifiable Skills by Ruth Walker, PhD

Other Great Resources!

Most colleges and universities provide access to career centers that offer resume proofreading, editing, and mock interview sessions. 

Additionally, Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, offers valuable free resume review services and a wealth of informational blog posts, featuring resume and cover letter tips, templates designed specifically for psychology students, and expert advice to avoid common pitfalls.