Curriculum Vitae (CV) Development

Having a strong curriculum vitae is crucial for undergraduate psychology students applying to graduate school or pursuing research-focused jobs. A well-crafted CV highlights your academic achievements, research experience, and any relevant professional skills, distinguishing you from other candidates. According to a study by Michalski, Cope, and Fowler (2019), admissions committees in psychology graduate programs prioritize candidates with clear, detailed CVs that reflect direct experience and academic accomplishments in psychology, emphasizing the importance of tailored, relevant content in CVs for successful applications.

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Curriculum Vitae (CV) Development Workshop Video

Need a CV to apply for graduate school? This CV Development Workshop is designed to help you learn the essentials of creating an effective academic curriculum vitae. I'll cover the critical sections of a CV, best practices in formatting, and practical strategies to enhance your CV for academic and professional success. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to refine your existing document, gain insights and actionable advice to make your CV stand out.

Other Great Resources!

Cannon, B. (2021). How to include Psi Chi leadership experience on your resume/CV. Psi-Chi-Ology Lab. Retrieved from 

Kelsky, K. (2016, August 19). Dr. Karen’s Rules of the Academic CV. The Professor Is In. 

Landrum, E. R. (2005). The curriculum vita: A Student's guide to preparation. Eye on Psi Chi, 9(2). Retrieved from 

Michalski, D. S., Cope, C., & Fowler, G. A. (2019). Graduate Study in Psychology Summary Report: Admissions, Applications, and Acceptances. American Psychological Association. Retrieved from 

Privitera, G. J. (2015). Getting Into Graduate School: A Comprehensive Guide for Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences. SAGE Publications.

Phil's Guide to PsyD. Phil Sarpong's Guide to Crafting a CV. Retrieved from YouTube