12 July 2023Free at Last Leaders and Coalitions expansion announced!

Hello everybody, I'm happy to inform you that I've recently developed a fan-made expansion for Free at Last, a game published by The Dietz Foundation in 2022 and designed by Ted Torgerson and Damon Stone.

The expansion can be ordered on TheGameCrafter in print-on-demand mode.

You can find all details here. I hope you will enjoy it.

18 March 2022 – Age of Monarchs will be released by an European Publisher!

Hello everybody, I have good news for you! I have made arrangements with an European Publisher for the development and release of Age of Monarchs. I must keep the Publisher's name confidential for the time being.

I am very satisfied because this game will finally see the light (although not in the short term).

In agreement with the publisher and at his request I am removing all shared and public materials (pictures, videos).

Can't wait to see this game finally released! Thanks to everyone for the support given over the years!

21 January 20224 Dados edition of Rise of Totalitarianism is finally available!

I'm happy to announce that a couple of weeks ago the new edition of Rise of Totalitarianism finally arrived in 4 Dados warehouse. The 4 Dados team is shipping all pre-orders. I hope that you will soon have the game in your hands and you will enjoy it.

15 December 2021 – New unboxing video for Founding Fathers!

An unboxing video is finally available on YouTube for Founding Fathers: Civil War & the Gilded Age.

18 October 2021 – A Tabletop Simulator module is now available for Rise of Totalitarianism!

The Tabletop Simulator module of Rise of Totalitarianism is now available! This version includes the latest corrections, clarifications and add-ons introduced in the 4 Dados edition, but uses the old graphic layout. You will find all scenarios and Rules & Play Books directly inside the module. Have fun!

Click here to examine and download the module.

3 January 2021 – Vassal Module for Founding Fathers

Happy New Year!

We hope you are doing well in these pandemic times.

We're happy to announce that you now have the ability to play Founding Fathers online, using the Vassal engine. You can get more information and download the module here.

Best Wishes for 2021 and Happy Gaming!

28 September 2020 – ETA of Rise of Totalitarianism: Q4 2021

As announced by 4 Dados «the production of the new edition of Rise of Totalitarianism was affected by COVID; at first for the printers lockdown, and after this for the production restructuring of these printers. It seems like for small companies like us is hard to have our production free from time changes.»

If the general situation of COVID does not worsen further, the 4 Dados team expects to have the first batch of games delivered to their warehouse in December 2020.

July 2021 UPDATE - some more delays have been determined by the recent Autumn Covid wave, the timeline on delivery has been updated to Q4 2021.

November 2021 UPDATE - As announced by 4 Dados team on BGG, the first copies of the game will be delivered in their warehouse in Barcelona in mid-December 2021.

28 September 2020 – CalvinusGames has now a new website!

I'm happy to inform you that CalvinusGames website now has a brand new style and contents organization. For example, you will find an useful new section: Downloads. Last but not least, it is now compatible with all devices.