«Veritas visu et mora, falsa festinatione et incertis valescunt.»

The truth is strengthened with light and time, while the lie is strengthened with haste and uncertainty.La verità si rafforza con la luce e con il tempo, la menzogna invece con la fretta e l’incerto. 

Publio Cornelio Tacito

12 July 2023Hello everybody, I'm happy to inform you that I've recently developed a fan-made expansion for Free at Last, a game published by The Dietz Foundation in 2022 and designed by Ted Torgerson and Damon Stone...
18 March 2022Hello everybody, I have good news for you! I have made arrangements with an European Publisher for the development and release of Age of Monarchs. I must keep the Publisher's name confidential for the time being...
21 January 2022 – I'm happy to announce that a couple of weeks ago the new edition of Rise of Totalitarianism finally arrived in 4 Dados warehouse. The 4 Dados team is shippig all pre-orders...
15 December 2021 – A new unboxing video is finally available for Founding Fathers: Civil War & the Gilded Age.