Teaching methods 

Self Regulated Learning: Self regulated learning is when a student is able to monitor and control their own learning.

Important Self Regulated Learning Skills: (Information paraphrased from "Classroom Applications of Research on Self Regulated Learning" by Scott and Alison Paris)

In order to teach these skills to students, a teacher must first model self regulated learning for their students. Ways teachers can best model these skills include modeling goal setting and achieving, asking students to set their own goals when completing projects, and allow for opportunities for self directed learning (Paris & Paris, 5). When students are allowed to direct their own learn with provided support, they will gain knowledge on what self regulated skills work best for them. Once students are aware of what works best for them, they will then be able to apply the skills without being prompted.

Students must be taught the strategies above from elementary school on in order to be a self regulated learner.

Strategies Elementary Teachers Can use to Promote Self Regulated Learning: (Paris & Paris, 3)

By having students reflect and evaluate their own progress, the responsibility of their learning is taken off of the teacher and placed on the student creating self regulation (Paris & Paris, 3).

Teachers should help students figure out how to apply self regulated learning into their own learning practices and be flexible as self regulated learning differs for each student. Teachers may also provide students with time for goal setting and reflection during class in order to instill self regulated learning habits.