How Ms. Wormwood can Foster Positive Motivation Patterns in Calvin

Steps Ms.Wormwood Can Take to Foster Calvin's Self Regulation: (Information on the steps for Ms. Wormwood are paraphrased from the steps mentioned in "How to Teach Self-Regulation" by Nina Parrish)

Create a Positive Learning Environment

Ms. Wormwood consistently kicks Calvin out of her class which stifles his learning and self regulation abilities. By creating an environment he wants to be in, Calvin will naturally want to learn the materials, allowing self regulation to come much easier.

Add Extra Support into Lessons

A lot of the material Ms. Wormwood is trying to teach seems challenging for Calvin, which allows him to get distracted and give up on learning all together. By adding in additional support, such as one on one feedback, demonstrating questions on the worksheet, or repeating directions for clarification, Calvin will be better set up for success. It is hard to expect a student to engage in self regulated learning when they do not understand the content being given to them. By adding in extra supports into her teaching, Calvin will be much more regulated when expected to perform the tasks on his own.

Provide Feedback

Currently when Calvin gives the wrong answer to a question, Ms. Wormwood shuts him down or kicks him out of class. Instead, she should provide him with feedback about what he did well, and what he needed to improve upon. A big part of self regulated learning is given feedback to yourself while you're working, so Ms. Wormwood should model this for Calvin so it is easier for him to do on his own.

Goal Setting

Ms. Wormwood should have a one on one discussion with Calvin about what his goals are. He is a very curious child and by  having him set goals for himslef, he is more likely to meet the standards Ms. Wormwood wants him to get to. Also, by setting goals, he is more likely to be interested in his work and therefore be a more self regulated learner.