
What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is when you are paying full attention to something. Life is filled with multitasking, which means doing a lot of things at once. Mindfulness is when you a focused in a relaxed way.

Life can be so crazy sometimes, which is why we have to multitask. But, it is very important to take a break. When I am done with homework and I have some time, I try to do some yoga before bed. This helps me clear my mind. If I am too tired for yoga, I lay on my bedroom floor. It may sound funny but it is actually super relaxing...and a little funny lol.

What is yoga?

Yoga is a mind and body exercise that helps you relax and feel good. It combines movement, meditation and breathing techniques to improve your health and happiness.

I love to do yoga when I am nervous or when I have nothing better to do. I try to do some yoga or even just a little bit of stretching in the morning and night. My favorite time to do yoga is in the daytime outside with my mom!

Where can i do yoga and with who?

Yoga can be done anywhere! Grab a yoga mat or towel and find a spot in your house where you feel comfortable. Make sure you have enough space to move without breaking anything! Yoga is also great to do outside, where you can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

You can do yoga by yourself or you can ask your siblings, parents, and grandparents to join with you! You can watch the Youtube video below if you want to follow someone!

5 Min Break Yoga

During online school, I have breaks in between class. I watch Yoga with Adriene all the time! Doing a 5 minute break before your next class is a great way to relax. I also love doing yoga before I got to sleep.