About me! 

Why did I create Calm4You? 

I created this website because of my experiences with sad feelings at such a young age. When I got a brain injury at 13, I didn't know how to deal with my feelings. My experiences gave me the idea to have my Gold Award to be around mental health for kids, since it is such an important topic in my life. I struggled with talking about subjects that made me mad and sad because I was never taught coping skills. My goal for this website is to help as many kids understand their feelings with coping skills as I can! 

instagram: @calm_4_you

A little bit about me

My name is Tatiana, but I go by Tati. I am now a Junior at UC Berkeley, but spent a year at community college before transferring!

I am a Political Science major because in the future I hope to work for my community through the government! There are so many problems in the world and I want to try and help to solve them, such as advocating for mental health!

Some facts about my is that I have a dog named Benny and he's one of my best friends ever!! I also am ambidextrous, which means I can use both of my hands! My favorite movie is Ponyo and I have been obsessed with it since I was six :D

Thanks for reading a bit about me and I hope you enjoy this website!!

check out why i started talking about mental health!