Thank you

Thank you all so much !

I made this page to give thanks to everyone who has helped me with my Gold Award. I appreciate everyone's help so much, I couldn't have made it this far without your help.

First, I want to thank everyone who uses this website. It really means a lot to me, and I really hope you enjoy it!!

Thank you to my family. The last 4 years, mental health has been a huge topic in our household. Thank you to my mom, who has helped advocate for me and who has made me a stronger person. She is always there for me and makes me want to be a better person. Thank you to my dad, for listening to me even if it is a difficult topic to talk about. His kindness makes me want to be kinder. Thank you to my brother, who encouraged me to talk about mental health. His perseverance makes me want to never give up. Lastly, thank you to my doggy Benny, for always being there for me, even if I am annoying. Thank you all for believing in me and I love you all.

Thank you to Dr. Mendoza, who has helped me so much with this project, and who has motivated me to do my best. Your guidance and insight helped me build my project from scratch. Thank you for always making time for this project, even with your crazy schedule. I appreciate all of your hard work and all of your kind words that made me want to work harder.

Thank you to Mrs. Kubik, who has answered any questions I had, which I had a lot of questions lol, and helped me to make this project the best I could. Our meetings always helped me get back on track with my goals and ideas. I appreciate all the thoughtfulness and assistance you gave me to give this project my all.

Thank you to my Girl Scout Troop 31862. Thank you to Amanda Chan, Juliana Gonzalez, Joanna Jiang, and Charlize Mendoza for contributing to this project, taking time out of your busy school hours really means a lot, I am proud to be in the same troop as you guys. Thank you to my Girl Scout leader, Jeanie Gee, for helping me know about this opportunity and guiding me through it, your motivation and enthusiasm pushed me to do my best.

Thank you to all of the school districts/schools who decided to partner with me to help share this project. Brentwood Union School District, Rescue Union, and Wayne Union, thank you all so much for sharing my website, your kind words helped me keep pushing forward. Thank you to Rachel Ford and Sarra Russ, for helping me connect with outside schools. Thank you to Heritage High school for sharing my website. Thank you Mrs. Shaw for sharing my website to Heritage. Thank you Ms. Vega for working with me and helping me with this website.

Thank you for everyone's help and support. All of your kind words made me smile and made me have happy tears. Your feedback is what makes this project what it is, every chance I get to make someone smile, pushes me to work harder. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart :')