
What are games?

There are many different types of games and all of them can help to relieve stress and anxiety. Games such as; video games, board games, and sports can help your mental health!

During Quarantine, my family and I have been having game nights when we have time! You can ask your family members if they would like to have a game night! You can also host a virtual game night with your friends. :D

You can also play some video games with your friends, family members, or yourself! I love to play Minecraft either by myself, or with my brother. I also like to play volleyball in our front yard.


Playing sports helps to get your body moving, which then makes chemicals that make you feel energized and happy. Isn't that awesome!

Even just playing catch outside helps your mental health. For me, I try to play volleyball to keep my body moving. Even though bike riding isn't a sport, it is a great way to get exercise. Ask your parents/guardians if you could go around the block and maybe they can go on a ride with you!

Board/Card Games

Board games/cards can be a good way to relieve stress because it helps to keep your mind off things that are bothering you.

Ask your family if you can have game nights! I love having game nights with my family because it is a great way to bond. You can also have virtual game nights with your friends and family!

Video games

Video games help to take your thoughts away from any troubles you may be having. Video games are a great way to relax; I love playing Minecraft when I have time!

Even though video games are fun, don't forget to not play for too long! Online school sometimes makes my eyes really tired, and screens don't help. I recommend little breaks here and there, that is what helps me.

You can also invite your friend or family member to play with you online! I love playing Minecraft and Mario Kart with my brother!

Minecraft with Me!

Here's a video of me playing Minecraft. I made this video so you can listen to it in the background. You can watch/listen to this video when you want to relax, do your homework, sleep, clean, or bored! I hope you enjoy it ^-^