Microbit Orchestra

Get a set of Micro:bits and a group of 19 people to play them. Set up each microbit to a particular note, which should be played at the indicated time in the music.

For each microbit start by installing a program to set the individual notes per device, which is explained below.

Micro:bit program installation and Setup Instructions

Get a set of Micro:bits and a group of 19 people to play them. Set up each microbit to a particular note, which should be played at the indicated time in the music.

For each microbit start by installing a program to set the individual notes per device: bit.ly/hbplay1 This is a shortcut to: makecode.microbit.org/_1kX8FecDciVu .

Once running the program:

  1. Press A+B to put you into frequency selection. Your microbit starting note will be in the middle at A4, highlighted in blue in the table at left below.

  2. Press A some number of times to move to a lower note (shown towards the bottom of the table below-left) -- or -- press B some number of times to move to a higher note (shown towards the top of the table below-left.)

  3. Again press A+B to take you out of frequency selection mode. Now when you press A it should always play the same note each time.

  4. Pay attention to which color is yours. When this color appears, you will press A to sound your note.

Then follow along with the notation shown in the video to play "Happy Birthday", pressing the A button for your note when your note's color is directly under the blue cursor line. Is it too slow / too fast for you? Within the YouTube Settings change the speed, choosing between the sad version at 0.25x, or the hyper version at 2x! Once your orchestra has perfected its sound, mute the built-in piano accompaniment.

Hap - py birth - day to you, Hap - py birth - day to you

Hap - py birth - day dear ______ - _____, Hap - py birth - day to you!