Lab 9: Foil Switch

Quiz: See link sent out by TAs at the beginning of lab, to Zybooks 7.17

Lab Description:

Create a foil switch using the Basic:bit breakout board, aluminum foil, connector wire, and alligator clips handed out yesterday in class.

Follow the instructions on the course web site at Tools / Microbit / Foil Switch. At the end of lab show the results of your and your partner's work to one of the TAs, and post a screen shot of your code on a page you use for your group in today's shared slides.


  1. Switch turns LED on

  2. Releasing switch turns LED off

  3. Pressing switch causes Servo motor to turn, and releasing switch causes servo motor to turn back to the original position. Repeatedly pressing and releasing the switch will repeatedly cause it to turn when pressed and then turn back when released.