Prog 4: Draw Scene

Draw a scene using components that incorporate random sizes, locations, and/or variance in color. Create this in replit in the Prog 4: Draw Scene project. I suggest you look at the Example programs in our Team replit at for inspiration on how to create textures, program RGB colors, and use alpha for transparency. Don't forget at the end to post your creation in this shared slide deck.

You could draw:

  • A replica of some actual location, or the view from your window

  • An imaginary sunset with mountains / hills in the foreground

  • A real or imaginary cityscape with different buildings

  • An underwater scene

  • A scene from a movie

  • Something in outer space

  • Something in nature, such as flowers, bushes, trees, or a scene with a reflection in a lake

  • Something else---be creative!

While there are many examples of turtle graphics drawing, you may be inspired by others, however you must create your own.

Example: Flowers

As an example, here are flowers made with turtle graphics in replit, that uses randomness for location, size, rotation, and color. (You don't necessarily need to implement details to this level of complexity!)

The texture on the petals is done for each petal by overdrawing multiple petals in successive smaller sizes, each one a slightly lighter color than the previous.

Colors are chosen from a set of colors, but each color also has some randomness to it, so the petals of a single flower have just a bit of color variance, which make them seem more natural.

Grading Criteria

Your program will be graded from within replit. You don't need to do anything special to turn it in.

This program is worth 7 points as follows:

  • 2 points: Your program must have at least seven objects that use randomness to differ in at least two of size, location, and color. While this is only worth 2 points, you are not eligible for any other points if this is not done.

  • 1 point for posting a screenshot of your creation on a slide in this shared slide deck, along with a brief description there of the trials and triumphs.

  • 1 points for header documentation that identifies what the program does, the author, and which features were/weren't implemented. For instance the header should look something like the following:

Author: Dale Reed

Date: February 2022

Class: BTT CS 111

Description: This program shows a cartoon scene and does/does not implement the following features:

  1. Header: yes

  2. Meaningful variable and function names:

  3. Documentation: not done yet

  4. Functions with parameters: no

  5. Seven objects that include randomness: yes, the background buildings

Extra credit: no

  • 1 point for having meaningful variable and function names, that are not too long but make it clear what they represent

  • 1 point for documentation on each function and each major section of code. We should be able to read just the comments and understand what your program is doing.

  • 1 point for using functions with parameters in your program to help organize large chunks of code, and for code reuse

Up to 3 extra credit points may be earned, but only if all of the above are already covered, and only if the program is on time. Extra credit will be given for projects that demonstrate significant investment of effort and clearly go above and beyond requirements.