Lab 4: Microbit Sensors

Lab today will be online, with some students gathered in-person in our class lab room at Burnham Hall (BH) Room B6, in the basement.

  • Take today's quiz, using the link posted in the chat.

  • Use today's shared slides and sign up for a group.

Today we'll be looking at various Microbit sensors, which are input components on the Microbit. Discuss the following out-loud in your group:

  1. Today's intro question: What was your least/most favorite food as a child? How about now?

  2. Generally the microbit takes input, does some processing, and gives output. What is one specific example that you have seen of this happening on a microbit?

  3. Describe two non-computer examples of input, processing and output in the world around you.

  4. What is a sensor? What sensors are on a microbit?

After discussing the above questions out-loud, write down answers to the following on your group's slide:

    1. Besides the sensors already on the microbit, what additional sensors would be interesting to have, and how might you use them? Check out Grove, Adafruit,, and Sparkfun, looking for sensors that you found on those sites that are not already on the microbit. Write down at least four additional sensors.

    2. Brainstorm and write down two different scenarios where you might use those sensors to do something useful.

    3. Figure out the minimum and maximum levels for the microbit sensors listed below, writing them down on your group's page. To find these numbers, write a program on your microbit to display the values, similar to the one at bottom-right below, and/or do online research.

        1. Light level (does it change in the dark vs. in a bright place?)

        2. Compass heading (does it change when you point in different directions?)

        3. Temperature (does it change when you go outside?)

        4. Sound level (does it change when it is quiet vs. loud?)