Lab 1: Dice

You will be working in groups using these shared google slides

  1. On the MakeCode site, select the Dice tutorial and step through it (see above left). Each of you put a screen-shot of your own solution blocks on your page.To take a screenshot, on a Mac use Cmd-Shift-4, and on a PC press the Windows key, then select the Snipping Tool

  2. Note how variables were used in Zybooks Figure 1.3.9 to store values (shown above right).

  3. On the Microbit site, switch to the Python view. Can you figure out how to declare two variables for the lower-bound and upper-bound dice values? This will likely require some experimentation and discussion. Put a screenshot or copy of the Python text on your page.

  4. Once done, switch back to blocks view. What do you notice? What do you wonder? Write down your ideas at the bottom of your page.

Extra: Time permitting, discuss any other ways you can think of to set the upper-bound dice limit, assuming the lower-bound is 1. If you get it to work, post it on your page so we can all appreciate it!