
Prog 1: Triangles is at Zybooks 5.34 Late submissions should use Zybooks 5.39

Write a Python program to prompt for a size and then print out a right triangle of the selected size. Here are two examples of running the program:

Create comments in your code to explain to yourself and others what is going on. You should be able to read only the comments and understand what the program is trying to do, for each section of code. You should have header comments at the top of your program that give your name and a brief description of the program. For this program your header comments might look like:


Once your program seems to be working, run the test cases within Zybooks. For most of the test cases you can see what input is being used, but for the last one or two test cases the input is hidden. The purpose of this is to encourage you to test your program on your own for different inputs.

Your grade will be out of 10 points. You'll get 1 point for each of the 7 test cases, where 4 test cases have visible inputs, and the last 3 test cases have the input hidden.

The last three points will be given for comments. For full credit you should have header comments (see above) and a comment for each section of your program.